1. business world; business circles; (the) industry
Pitch accent
Composed of
work; business; company; study
community; circles; kingdom; erathem; field (electrical); border
Used in vocabulary (27 in total)
person in the business (entertainment, music, film, etc.)
business world; business circles
industry terminology; professional jargon; buzzword
music industry; music business
the industrial world
television industry; television business
real estate world; property market
commercial world
trade journal
industry-wide standard
the industry's first ...
automotive industry; motor vehicle industry
pharmaceutical industry
(world of the) construction industry
securities industry
industrial or business world
the industrial world
broadcasting industry
pharmaceutical industry; medicine industry
industry standard; industry norm
industry standardization
investment industry
Examples (5 in total)
This firm ranks second in the oil trade.
The machine learning industry pursues the improvement of our predictive ability.
The industry has seen many booms and busts in the past.