1. Friday
Pitch accent
Composed of
gold (Au); golden (color); valuable; of highest value; money; gold coin; Friday
day of the week
Used in vocabulary (1 in total)
Examples (44 in total)
See you on Friday.
Yes, today is Friday.
We can hardly wait for the party on Friday.
A dance will be held on Friday.
The bank shuts late on Fridays.
Be sure to telephone by Friday, OK?
The accident occurred on Friday.
Can the lawyer see me on Friday?
I need to know your answer by Friday.
The committee will meet next Friday.
The package will arrive on Friday or Saturday.
I think that it was probably last Friday.
Do you want to go out with me on Friday?
We gather together every Friday.
On Friday we will have a press conference.
On Fridays, I go to work in jeans.
Autumn Equinox Day falls on Friday this year.
What do you plan to do on Friday?
I will be seeing her again next Friday.
Friday is when I am least busy.
My birthday falls on Friday this year.
You are supposed to hand in your homework by Friday.
I am meeting him next Friday.
The meeting was put off until next Friday.
The accused is to appear before the court on Friday.
It is said that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day.
We had the meeting in this room last Friday.
Please estimate the losses by Friday at the latest.
I usually go to market on Friday.
I will have finished this task by next Friday.
I always hang out with friends on Fridays, since I have the next day off.
We leave Japan at 3 p.m. next Friday.
My car broke down this morning and won't be repaired until Friday.
I will be seeing the doctor again next Friday.
It was last Friday that I ate dinner with my girlfriend in a restaurant.
I saw her at the station five days ago, that is, last Friday.
Is today Friday?
How about Friday?
Finally, it's Friday.
Are you free on Friday afternoon?
Can you manage to complete the manuscript by Friday?
Akira practices archery every Friday.
Would you please pick me up at the hotel on Friday July 11th at 10:00 a.m.?
Weekdays Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.