1. section (i.e. of text); sentence; passage; paragraph
2. phrase
3. verse (of 5 or 7 mora in Japanese poetry; of 4, 5, or 7 characters in Chinese poetry)
4. haiku; first 17 morae of a renga, etc.
5. maxim; saying; idiom; expression
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 16000
Used in vocabulary (81 in total)
complaint; grumbling; objection; phrase; words; expression
taboo word
next (spoken) word
scripture; passage from scripture
words; phrases
conventional phrase; stock phrase; cliche; frequently used musical (guitar) phrase
idiom; set phrase; idiomatic phrase
after (a long process); at the end of; last line (of a renga)
redundant phrase; joke
farewell poem; death poem; poem written during one's final moments
punctuation mark
chapter and verse; paragraph; passage
period; full stop
gathering of haiku poets
couplet; antithesis
wording; words and phrases; way of expression; token
first part of a poem or verse
linked verse; couplet
to compose a haiku poem
famous saying; noted haiku
(a few) words; phrase; expression
collection of haiku poems
conventions to be followed in composing Japanese poetry; phraseology; diction; rules of grammar and syntax when reading kanbun in Japanese
repetition; accumulative clause; refrain; burden
meaning of phrase
noun phrase; NP
brief word
slab with a haiku cut on it
composing haiku poems
poor poem
last part of a poem or Bible verse
conventional phrase; stock phrase; cliche; frequently used musical (guitar) phrase
first part of a poem; first part of a verse
few words; single phrase
beautiful passage of literature
to punctuate a sentence
type of comic haiku
acrostic poetry; acrostic
short phrase
verb phrase; verbal phrase
phrase used as an adjective
parenthetical expression
adverbial (adverb) phrase
similar phrase
splendid haiku; well-turned phrase
poetry form (esp. haiku); grammatical structure in kanbun
simple phrase
haiku given as an example
second verse (in a linked series of poems)
submitting a haiku (for publication)
phrase example; haiku example
turning or twisting part of a text
difficult phrase
original passage (in document)
every clause
phrases and clauses
(saying) with one voice; unanimously; in chorus; in unison; as one
ordinary verse of a renga (i.e. not the first three verses or the last verse)
every single word and phrase; each and every word
development of a text; the second line in a four-line Chinese poem
acrostic poetry; acrostic
every single word and phrase; each and every word
middle part of the verse
last part of a poem or Bible verse
phrase structure grammar; PSG
idiom; idiomatic phrase
story; tale; unaccompanied part of the Heike Monogatari chanting
adjective phrase; adjectival phrase
meaning of a phrase
data clause
file clause
environment clause
Examples (5 in total)
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