1. air; atmosphere
2. mood; situation
3. someone with no presence; someone who doesn't stand out at all
Pitch accent
Composed of
empty air; sky; shunyata; emptiness; air force; fruitlessness; meaninglessness
spirit; mind; nature; disposition; motivation; intention
Used in vocabulary (46 in total)
air cannon (toy)
to read the situation; to sense the mood
Examples (72 in total)
The air was cold.
Air is invisible.
The air here is terrible.
There is no air on the moon.
The air in the mountain is fresh and clean.
Air is polluted in cities.
The air is dry today.
The air is wonderful in the woods.
An airship is lighter than air.
There is no air in space.
The air is a medium for sound.
The air was infected with photochemical smog.
The air feels somewhat cold this morning.
The air in this room is foul.
Fresh air is necessary to good health.
People can't live without air.
Fresh air is blowing in.
There was a tense atmosphere in the room.
Please air the room.
Without air, nothing could live.
The air-conditioner isn't taking in enough air.
The air on top of the mountain was very thin.
The air by the sea is pure and healthy.
Air is indispensable to life.
The air is very pure in the mountains.
The air of Sydney is cleaner than that of Tokyo.
Let's open a window to get some fresh air.
Air is a mixture of various gases.
Fresh air and exercise are good for the health.
Water and air are both fluids.
Tell me who discovered air.
As we went up, the air grew colder.
We went out for some fresh air.
Yes, that's true. The air is very humid.
The air is thin at the top of a high mountain.
This tire doesn't have enough air in it.
If it were not for air, we could not live on the earth.
Animals cannot exist without air and water.
Oxygen from the air dissolves in water.
We cannot live without air and water.
Since there is no air on the moon, there is no sound at all.
I don't like the polluted atmosphere of big cities.
In spite of the sunny weather, the air was rather chilly.
Without air and water, nothing could live.
It is like the air we breathe.
I want to live in a quiet city where the air is clean.
If it were not for air and water, we could not live.
The higher we go up, the cooler the air becomes.
Water is as precious as air to man.
Music surrounds our lives like air.
Water transmits sound better than air.
As you climb higher, the air becomes colder.
Tom opened the window to let in some fresh air.
The air of hills is cooler than that of plains.
If it were not for air and water, nothing could live.
The higher we go up, thinner the air becomes.
The air we breathe consists of oxygen and nitrogen.
There was a strong smell of cannabis in the air.
We take air and water for granted.
If it were not for air and water, nothing alive would exist.
He opened the window to let in some fresh air.
Air, like food, is a basic human need.
Without air there can be no wind or sound on the moon.
John is a strong believer in fresh air.
Sunlight is no less necessary to good health than fresh air.
Before automobiles filled out streets, city air used to be clean.
What with fresh air and proper exercise, he recovered from his illness quickly.
The higher we go up, the thinner the air becomes.
Cycling is good exercise. Moreover, it doesn't pollute the air.
The very air we breathe is polluted with smog from the factory chimneys.
She went outside to get a breath of fresh air.
If there was no air, man could not live for even ten minutes.