1. older brother; elder brother
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (11 in total)
elder brother; one's senior; older man; man older than oneself
elder brother; one's senior; dashing young man; gallant young lad
elder brother's wife; sister-in-law
Examples (141 in total)
I have an older brother.
I am searching for my brother.
He is my brother.
Do you love my brother more than me?
I wonder if my brother will ever come back.
This is my brother.
My older brother is a teacher.
I went to the movies with my brother.
My brother likes coffee.
My brother is good at mathematics.
My brother is a college student.
My older brother takes a shower every day.
My brother is an engineer.
My brother has a good memory.
I'm proud of my brother.
My older brother was treated cruelly.
I can't tell him apart from his brother.
My older brother got a position in a big business.
My brother is a vet.
My brother is living in Boston.
My brother bought an electric guitar.
Juan doesn't have a brother.
I have one brother.
I have one older brother and one younger sister.
He's a friend of my brother's.
She loves her older brother.
My brother is not satisfied with his new car.
My brother is not busy.
My older brother lives in a small village.
He was standing by his brother.
Both my sister and brother go to college.
Please don't compare me with my brother.
My brother likes music.
He ran to catch up to his brother.
One day I was running with my brother.
Both of my brothers are married.
My brother failed to pass the examination.
He is not as smart as his older brother.
My brother can drive a car.
My brother wants to study abroad.
I had my brother repair my bicycle.
My brother will start working at a bank next year.
My brother plays the guitar.
My brother's an authority on philosophy.
His brother passed away last month.
Yutaka has two older brothers.
Ken and his older brother share a room.
My brother goes to college in Kobe.
She fell in love with her friend's brother.
My brother was killed in a traffic accident.
Tom has three brothers.
My brother is engaged in cancer research.
My brother became a cook.
My brother's widow has married again.
My brother eats twice as much as I do.
I am a student, but my older brother is a company employee.
My brother died of cancer last year.
His annual income is larger than that his brother's.
I am often contrasted with my brother.
His brother was nasty to me.
I mistook him for his brother.
My brother gave me a pair of jeans.
The company is managed by my older brother.
My brother is working at a gas station.
He is not less bright than his brother.
My brother was injured in the car accident.
My older brother is an authority on philosophy.
My brother smokes a great deal.
My brother is suffering from a bad cold now.
It was my brother that made the mistake.
She told me she knew my brother.
She has five older brothers.
My older brother did all the preparation.
My brother lives in a small village.
I don't like cats, and neither does my brother.
He ran faster than his brother did.
I'll ask my brother to give me a ride.
My brother is arriving tomorrow morning.
I went to the station to see my brother off.
I had a fight with my older brother yesterday.
This bike is used by my brother.
It is the factory, my brother works in.
My brother says he isn't afraid of the dark.
That company is managed by my older brother.
My brother had a lot of friends in Germany.
My older brother finished his homework very quickly.
She seems to be in love with my brother.
His brother is a very capable doctor.
My brother has been living in London for many years.
My brother gave me a cute doll.
My brother would often stay up all night reading novels.
My brother loves taking pictures of mountains.
Compared with his brother, he is not so tall.
He convinced me that his brother was innocent.
She was always quarreling with her brothers.
My brother is good at playing tennis.
He isn't my brother. He's my cousin.
My oldest brother is single.
He is less diligent than his brother.
My older brother is planning to work at a drug factory.
My brother has just come home from Kobe.
My brother likes to collect stamps.
Jane may be playing tennis with my brother.
My brother had a lot of German friends.
My brother is interested in what you call pop music.
My brother could not solve the complicated problem.
I haven't read his novel, and my brother hasn't either.
You seem to have mistaken me for my older brother.
He is not so old as my brother.
He mistook me for my twin brother.
I lent my coat to a friend of my brother.
My brother in Kyoto became a teacher.
My brother married his friend's sister last year.
The criminal is not Bob, but his twin brother.
What I told you about him also applies to his brother.
Tom can ski as well as his brother.
I will send a letter to my brother who lives in Sapporo.
I had my brother correct the errors in my composition.
Tom doesn't have dimples, but his brother does.
My brother bought a used car, so it wasn't very expensive.
Julie received a Christmas card from her brother in Italy.
Both my father and my brother like gambling.
Who is the woman talking to my brother sitting next to him?
He didn't trust his brother enough to confide in him.
My brother was so absorbed in reading that he did not notice me when I entered the room.
My brother is rich enough to buy a car.
Compared with his brother, he is not so intelligent.
Now that my brother is a university student, he has to do a lot of reading.
I came to Tokyo from Osaka counting on my brother's help.
My brother went to the United States to study law.
At the party the other night, my brother drank a bit too much and passed out.
After graduating from college my brother went to the United States for the purpose of doing further research.
Do you know my brother Masao?
I went fishing with my brother in the river.
My brother is two years older than I am.
He is Taro's older brother.
My grandmother has a twin brother.
His brother works for a trading company.
He's three years younger than my older brother.
When I was a little boy, I often went fishing with my brother in the river.
My oldest brother attended the meeting on behalf of our father.