1. economy; economics
2. finance; (one's) finances; financial circumstances
3. being economical; economy; thrift
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (143 in total)
poor economy; waste
economic; financial; economical; thrifty; frugal
economic strength
economic activity
Japanese economy
economic bloc; ecosystem (of services, goods, etc. within a company or consortium)
economics department; economics school
economic conditions
economic world; financial circles; business community
(positive) economic effect
world economy; international economy
national economy
financial page (of newspaper); financial aspects; economic front
monetary economy
economic sanctions
economic policy
economic development
economic conditions; economic situation; financial situation; financial circumstances
economic superpower; economic powerhouse
economic condition; economic circumstances; financial situation
sense of economy
socio-economics; social economy
special economic zone (China)
economic disparity
economic problem
economic history
business magazine; financial magazine; economic magazine
bubble economy
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; METI
economic blockade; embargo
economic warfare; economic war
economy (saving money)
domestic economy
the national economy
controlled economy
economic crisis
rate of economic growth
economic assistance
economic revitalization; economic revitalisation; rebuilding of an economy
Homo economicus; economic human; financial expert; businessperson
financial panic; economic crisis; economic crash
economic indicator
economic system
livestock; farm animals
economic measure
economics research centre; economics research center
international economy
economic cooperation
planned economy
regional economy; local economy
Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
economic system
economic system
actual business; actual economy; real economy
economic behavior; economic activities; economic act
economic reform
economic ideology; (school of) economic thought
economic white paper
economic struggles
(newspaper's) financial columns
economies of scale
frugal person
economic environment
wartime economy
economic strategy; business strategy
Economic Planning Agency (defunct as of 2001)
human engineering
underground economy; black economy
economic diplomacy
economic collapse; economic meltdown
economic unit; economic agent; economic entity
Minister of Finances; Minister for the Economy
economic invasion; economic operations (in another country)
economic law
European Economic Community; EEC
economic collapse; financial failure; bankruptcy
economic ripple effect
economic management
economic statistics
economic recovery
economic waters or zone
economic war
principles of economics
economic espionage
economic competitiveness
economic assessment
economic forecast
period of economic growth
economic unit (entity involved in economic activity, e.g. households, businesses, nations); economic unit (measurement of economic activity)
international political economy
Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
economic partnership agreement; EPA
balanced economy
external economies
economic data
economic bubble
economy model
economic index
monthly economic report
Economic Report of the President (US)
(European) Economic and Monetary Union; EMU
State Minister in Charge of Economic and Fiscal Policy
economics of scope; economics of diversification
economic growth forecast
special economic zone (China)
economic liberalism
university specializing in economics and law
economic integration
Short-Term Economic Survey of Enterprises in Japan (Bank of Japan's quarterly economic survey); Tankan survey
hourglass economy; economy having large upper and lower classes and a small middle class
economic anthropology
economic geography
knowledge economy
gift economy; grant economy
economic refugee
solidarity economy
digital economy
economy in which stocks and shares play a central role
closed economy
Examples (49 in total)
The American economy is in solid shape.
He is an expert in economics.
America's economy is the largest in the world.