Verb (5-dan, つ)
1. to shoot (at)
usu. 撃つ
2. to attack; to defeat; to destroy; to avenge
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (5 in total)
to meet (the enemy) and attack; to engage (the approaching enemy); to confront; to intercept
to take (a person) unawares; to make a surprise attack
to avenge (somebody) by striking down their killer
to avenge (somebody) by striking down their killer
to hit somebody where they least expect it; to take revenge on someone in an unlikely place; to get revenge on someone in a different contest; (lit.) to attack the Edo enemy in Nagasaki
Examples (24 in total)
Don't move, or I'll shoot you.
I would have been shot.
If you get shot, you'll die.