1. health
Adjective (な)
2. healthy; sound; fit; wholesome
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (42 in total)
hygienic; healthy; healthful; sanitary
poor health; ill health; unhealthy
physical examination
Examples (160 in total)
He enjoys good health.
Health is the most important thing.
Take care of your health.
I'm not healthy.
That's why you were always healthy.
I am in good health.
I'm worried about your health.
He seems to be in good health.
If I were healthy, I would be happy.
My brother is healthy.
You look healthy.
My grandfather is very healthy.
Mental health is also important.
Health is a precious treasure.
May you be blessed with good health.
My uncle is not young, but healthy.
I am anxious about his health.
We must be healthy.
Eating too much is bad for your health.
A lack of exercise is bad for your health.
Cup ramen are bad for your health.
I gave up smoking for the sake of my health.
Drinking too much is bad for your health.
Above all, we must be healthy.
Health is essential to happiness.
I want nothing but health.
She was anxious about her children's health.
Health means everything to me.
She is concerned about her mother's health.
My family are all in good health.
Your health is more important.
Your mother is anxious about your health.
Nothing is more important than health.
He is anxious about his mother's health.
She is anxious about her father's health.
We are anxious about your health.
He is improving in health.
You cannot substitute money for health.
He is beginning to pick up his health again.
Please be careful of your health.
His health is improving little by little.
It was a miracle that he recovered.
Water and bread provide health.
He was in good health last summer.
Health is the most precious thing.
He is in good health in spite of his age.
He is as healthy as ever.
Fresh air is necessary to good health.
We are anxious about our daughter's health.
Health is the first condition of happiness.
You should pay more attention to your health.
Loud music is bad for your health.
Health is indispensable to a happy life.
Don't risk your health by over drinking.
He retired on account of poor health.
He worked so hard that he ruined his health.
Fresh vegetables promote health.
Lack of exercise may harm your health.
It took me a whole year to recover my health.
He quit smoking for the sake of his health.
He stopped smoking for the sake of his health.
I did so for the sake of my health.
Nothing is better than health.
I'm very worried about your health.
I am very concerned about his health.
My father is worried about my health.
I'm not as healthy as I used to be.
He is less healthy than he used to be.
She is now well enough to work.
Work and play are necessary to health.
Health is more important than money.
You look as healthy as ever.
If I were in good health, I could pursue my studies.
I owe it to my parents that I am so healthy.
There is no sense in your worrying about your health so much.
The skin gradually took on a healthier look.
Aside from this, he was in good health.
She gave birth to a fine healthy baby.
She always cared about my health.
It goes without saying that health is above wealth.
My grandmother is in sound health and lives alone.
I hope your mother will regain her health soon.
Moderate exercise will be of benefit to your health.
Mental health is as important as physical health.
Her health is becoming steadily better.
You can apply for a physical fitness test regardless of your age.
Above all, I want to be healthy.
I know that Tom is a health nut.
In my opinion, staying up late is bad for your health.
He preached to us about the importance of good health.
An orderly lifestyle and a regular diet are the keys to health.
Happy are those who know the value of health.
We must, first of all, be careful of our health.
Cold, damp days are bad for your health.
You can't afford to neglect your health.
I regret having neglected my health.
If I were healthy, I could go on a hike.
He was very sick but his health is improving.
Whether he will succeed or not depends upon his health.
He stopped smoking for the improvement of his health.
Without health we cannot hope for success.
This is a hazard to your health.
She could not help thinking that health is important.
She became very anxious about her son's health.
This boy has a strong and healthy body.
We know the value of good health when we are sick.
The doctor examined the child and said she was healthy.
It's not until you lose your health that you realize its value.
Work and play are both necessary to health.
Walking is the best way to stay healthy.
The work is a heavy tax on my health.
He worked hard at the risk of his health.
The trainer must think of her health.
Doctors advise us on our health.
Amazingly, the old man recovered his health.
He completed his work at the expense of his health.
His health has been getting worse since the accident.
Good health consists of proper eating and moderate exercise.
You need not have any anxiety about your son's health.
Loss of health is more serious than loss of money.
The weather has a great deal to do with our health.
High calorie foods are bad for my health.
Excessive smoking will injure your health.
Too much drinking may be hazardous to your health.
I keep fit by jogging every morning.
Good health is inseparable from exercise and moderation.
Acid rain in drinking water affects human health.
Nothing is more important in life than health.
First of all, I'm very worried about my daughter's health.
You should take more exercise for the sake of your health.
Parents have responsibilities to look to their children's health.
He moved to a warmer place for the sake of his health.
Proper diet and exercise are both important for health.
John finished the work at the expense of his health.
As is often the case with young men, he does not pay much attention to his health.
His bad health is a great disadvantage to him.
We tend to forget that exercise is a key to good health.
He is very concerned about his elderly parent's health.
The study made it clear that smoking ruins our health.
He wishes to resign on the grounds that his health is failing.
Sunlight is no less necessary to good health than fresh air.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
It is often pointed out that smoking is a danger to health.
Mayumi is a healthy person. She almost never gets sick.
It's not easy to quit smoking, but you should for your health.
I think it's necessary to sleep well to keep in good health.
He finished the job at the expense of his health.
He has recovered his health, so he is now able to resume his studies.
Good food and enough sleep are absolutely necessary to good health.
We often eat foods which are harmful to our health without knowing it.
We should substitute margarine for butter for our health.
You do not realize how important health is until you get sick.
Health advocates have pushed for laws restricting work-place smoking.
Health is above wealth.
Good health is more valuable than anything else.
I want to live as long as I can stay in good health.
Nothing is more valuable than health.
My aunt enjoyed good health all her life.
Though he is old, he is very healthy.
You had better give up smoking for your health.