1. constitution
2. rules; regulation
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (31 in total)
constitution of Japan; Japanese constitution
constitutional reform; constitutional amendment
new constitution (esp. Japan's postwar constitution)
Constitution of the Empire of Japan; Meiji Constitution
former constitution (of Japan); Constitution of the Empire of Japan; Meiji Constitution
Meiji Constitution (Constitution of the Empire of Japan)
Meiji Constitution (Constitution of the Empire of Japan)
Constitution Memorial Day (national holiday; May 3)
Seventeen-Article Constitution (of Asuka-period Japan)
constitutional scholar (lawyer); expert in constitutional law
The Seventeen-Article Constitution
pacifist constitution (often applied to the Japanese constitution); constitution which outlaws use of arms
Weimar Constitution (Germany, 1919-1945)
Weimar Constitution (Germany, 1919-1945)
constitutional interpretation
constitution granted by the Emperor
(study of) constitutional law
European Constitution
rigid constitution
flexible constitution
constitutional court
uncodified constitution; unwritten constitution
pacifist constitution
Ottoman constitution of 1876
codified constitution; written constitution
constitutional norm
private constitutional drafts prepared before the adoption of the Meiji Constitution in 1889
agreed constitution (e.g. French Constitution of 1830)
agreed constitution (e.g. French Constitution of 1830)
Examples (8 in total)
We must not violate the Constitution.
Equality is guaranteed by the Constitution.
Freedom of thought is guaranteed by the constitution.