1. language; dialect
2. word; phrase; expression; term
3. speech; (manner of) speaking; (use of) language
4. words; remark; statement; comment
5. learning to speak; language acquisition
Pitch accent
Top 49600
Used in vocabulary (89 in total)
(your) words; what you say; what you have said; a few words (of welcome, advice, etc.)
password; watchword; motto; slogan
language of flowers; floriography; flower symbolism, e.g. red roses mean love
exactly as stated; verbatim
speech; expression; wording; language
words of praise; eulogy; compliment
alluring words; endearing words; sugared words; sweet words; honeyed words; flattery
dictionary; lexicon
word ending; way of ending one's words; slip of the tongue; verbal mistake
word game; wordplay; playing with words
Word of God; God's Word; sword of the Spirit; Logos (i.e. the Trinity incarnate in Jesus Christ)
pillow word; decorative word used prefixally in classical Japanese literature; preface; introduction
lack of words; being tongue-tied; suppressing what you want to say
skillful words; deceitful words; glibness
figure of speech
number of words; vocality
tongue twister
speech; expression; wording; language
men's language; male language
spoken language; colloquial expression
women's language; word used by women
I can't find the words to thank you; I can never thank you enough
baby talk; baby language; babbling
inflammatory words
meaningless words; words that make no sense
language barrier
tit for tat
words used by young people; slang
taboo word; euphemism (used in place of a taboo word)
opening address
sociolect emphasizing the femininity of the speaker (esp. used by homosexual men)
kakekotoba; pivot word; play on words (esp. in poetry); pun
God's word; word of God
words read by the priest in a Shinto purification rite
Kyoto dialect; Kyoto accent
common saying; slang; argot
word of Japanese origin; native Japanese word
local dialect; vernacular; provincialism
provincial dialect; rural dialect
closing address
dropping the "ra" in the potential form of verbs formed with "-rareru"
prefatory modifying statement (of a waka, etc.)
large number of words; (lit.) sea of words
stinging (barbed) words; harsh language
word said backwards; word of opposite meaning
working-class accent or dialect
buzzword; popular expression; vogue word or phrase
meaningless words added a song for rhythmical effect; words or utterances added to modulate the cadence of a song
secret language of court ladies (Muromachi period)
secret language; argot
polite language used by women
spoken language; spoken words; language
Edo dialect
local dialect; vernacular; provincialism; national language
In the beginning was the Word
harsh language
words mainly used in songs or poetry
vernacular; local dialect
four-letter word (esp. in English)
filler word; filler phrase
word created by retaining the first syllable (or two) of a word and suffixing it with the word "moji"
norito read at a great purification event
bureaucratic jargon; officialese; gobbledygook
repeated word or phrase; redundant wording; succession of words of similar meaning; pleonasm
countryside dialect; sociolect or secret language used by prostitutes in red-light districts during the Edo period
samurai words and phrases
the refined speech of the uptown residents of Tokyo
filled pause (e.g. um, er); filler word
island language; island dialect
sa-added word (i.e. causative forms with an extra 'sa' like 'ikasaseru' for 'iku')
Ecclesiastes (book of the Bible); (lit.) words of Qohelet
falconry term
samurai words and phrases
mountain language (euphemisms used by hunters, etc. when in the wild)
casual speech
language used when writing letters
seasonal word (in haiku)
word to soften awkward topics (esp. refusal in business conversation, e.g. "I am afraid that ...")
language game in which extra syllables are added to words
language game in which extra syllables are added to words
euphemisms used by superstitious sailors (e.g. calling sardines "sundries", whales "Ebisu", etc.)
word consisting of (two) repeated syllables
words betray one's character
teyo-dawa speech; mid-Meiji period schoolgirl slang in which sentence-end particles "teyo" and "dawa" were used prominently
false friend
adding a superfluous "re" to the potential form of a godan verb
sociolect or secret language used by prostitutes in red-light districts (Edo period); vulgar words used by prostitutes (Edo period)
Japanese (language)
Examples (174 in total)
This can't be expressed in words.
All I can say is thank you.
Her statement was false.