Verb (する)
1. breathing; respiration
2. knack; trick; secret (of doing something)
3. harmony; balance; synchronization; accord
4. short interval; short pause
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (27 in total)
hyperventilation; overbreathing; hyperpnea; overventilation
artificial respiration
short pause; short interval
labored breathing; laboured breathing; dyspnea; dyspnoea
the harmonizing, mentally and physically, of two parties engaged in an activity; singing from the same hymn-sheet; dancing to the same beat
respiratory organs
breathing techniques; breath control
anaerosis; lack of breathing; sleep apnea; respiratory arrest; respiratory standstill
respiratory failure
cessation of breathing; respiratory arrest
respiratory organs
pulmonary respiration
nasal respiration; breathing through one's nose
cutaneous respiration
aerobic respiration
oral respiration; mouth breathing; breathing through one's mouth
branchial respiration (breathing using gills)
respiratory muscles
respiratory function
respiratory center; respiratory centre
respiratory movement
respiratory enzyme
external respiration
internal respiration
anaerobic respiration
liberty (of a stone in go)
Examples (8 in total)
Breathe normally.
He had trouble breathing.
The seeds of plants breathe all the time.