Verb (する)
1. breakdown; failure; fault; accident; out of order
2. damage; hurt
3. objection; protest
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (16 in total)
broken product; faulty product
broken-down car
Examples (31 in total)
The TV is broken.
"What happened?" "The car broke down."
I was late because my car broke down.
I broke the personal computer.
Our fridge is broken.
The engine has broken down again.
The air conditioner is broken.
This clock seems to be malfunctioning.
Our car broke down last night.
The ambulance broke down in the middle of the avenue.
Because of heavy rain my car broke down.
The motorcycle I borrowed from him broke down.
There seems to be something wrong with our telephone.
Something on that machine must be broken.
Our car broke down in the middle of the street.
His car broke down in remote countryside.
We have to use the stairs because the elevator is out of order.
A broken-down car was standing in the middle of the road.
The ambulance broke down in the middle of the busy avenue.
My watch is broken, so I want a new one.
This car is always breaking down lately.
His car broke down on the way to work.
As the elevator is out of order, we must go down the stairs.
The iron broke down due to over-heating.
The bus broke down on the way, so I ran to school.
My car, which broke down yesterday, has not been repaired yet.
The car broke down on the way to the airport.
My rusty Ford broke down, obstructing the intersection.
He had the kindness to lend me his car when mine broke down.
Should the word processor go wrong, we guarantee to replace it free of charge.
I'm sorry to disturb you, but my car broke down in front of your house.