Adjective (の)
Usually written in kana
1. later; afterwards
Adjective (の)
Usually written in kana
2. future
3. after one's death
4. descendant
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
later on; eventually; afterwards
after that; afterwards; thereafter
after this; henceforth; henceforward; from now on
future; distant future
later on; subsequently; by and by; after a while
thereafter; after doing that; followed by
after ages; posterity; future life; the next world
(arch.) moon of the 13th day of 9th lunar month; leap month
cloudy after fine; sunny then cloudy; clear then cloudy
clear then rain (e.g. weather forecast)
second adding of charcoal to the fire (in tea ceremony)
second adding of charcoal to the fire (tea ceremony)
hide your true strength, and then later swiftly attack the unprepared enemy; (lit.) first be like a (meek) virgin, later like a running hare
moon-viewing on the 13th day of the 9th lunar month
posthumous name
the morning after (having slept together)
the morning after (having slept together)