1. direction; orientation; aspect; exposure
2. suited to; suitable for; designed for
3. tendency; inclination
4. nature (of a request or desire)
5. person
Pitch accent
Top 24900
Used in vocabulary (59 in total)
earnest; single-minded
to become serious; to take something seriously (joke, teasing); to become irritated or angry (usu. at something trivial); to get worked up
to turn round; to face about; to turn about
outward appearance; ostensible; public; official
to be opposite; to face each other; to confront (an issue); to face
back-facing; backwards; backward-looking; retrogressive; reactionary
life circumstances; lifestyle; (family) finances
unfit; unsuitable; unmarketable
business; errand; nature of one's business
taking no notice; ignoring; not even looking at
life circumstances; lifestyle; (family) finances
ideal; most suitable
front-facing; forward-looking; positive; constructive
facing the other way
to one's face; in one's presence
facing south; southern exposure
life circumstances; lifestyle; (family) finances
one's business; one's duties
pointing up; pointing upward; upturn; uptrend; upward tendency
nature of one's position
turning sideways; landscape orientation
wind direction; situation; way things are going; mood; temper
facing east
pointing up; pointing upward; upturn; uptrend; upward tendency
different suitabilities; being cut out for certain things (and not for others)
pointing down; pointing downward; (market) decline; downturn; downward trend
for summer
opposite direction; reverse; retrorse
facing outward
facing inward
actual and hidden; inside out (e.g. socks); face down (e.g. cards)
inner part of a house (near the kitchen, living room, etc.); family matters; household affairs; personal business
facing north; northern exposure
facing west
direction of the wind
facing right
facing left
portrait orientation; vertical orientation
in and about a kitchen; family circumstances
earnest; singlehanded; face to face; straight ahead; just in front of
practical use; utility
popular; general (public)
all-purpose; suiting everybody
all-purpose; suiting everybody
intended for the young
flow direction
aimed at foreigners
for winter use
aspect of a house
those who want it
appealing to the public; popular
page orientation
procedural language
application-oriented language
problem-oriented language
Examples (8 in total)
This movie is suitable for children.
This is a car for young people.
That movie is for adults.