Adjective (な)
1. happiness; well-being; joy; welfare; blessedness
Pitch accent
Composed of
good luck; fortune; happiness
good fortune; happiness; blessing; good luck
Used in vocabulary (9 in total)
feeling of happiness; sense of well-being; euphoria
to seek happiness; to pursue happiness
level of happiness; degree of happiness
Examples (83 in total)
I am happy.
Happiness can't be bought.
We are happy.
Freedom is happiness.
She said that she had been happy.
He seems to have been happy.
I am very happy.
What is happiness?
He was happy for a time.
They all looked happy.
She was happy for some time.
Bob was very happy.
Happiness is a feeble flower.
Most people want to experience happiness.
Health is essential to happiness.
She seems to be happy.
None of them are happy.
She will be happy when she gets married.
War doesn't make anybody happy.
He isn't happy at all.
Happiness lies in contentment.
There was a happy twinkle in her eyes.
Wealth does not always bring us happiness.
How would you define "happiness"?
She is not always happy.
I wasn't always happy.
Lucy made her parents happy.
Health is the first condition of happiness.
The couple led a happy life.
I made John happy.
Health is indispensable to a happy life.
I will define happiness as this.
They went in search of happiness.
I had a happy childhood.
Children need a happy home environment.
Health is a necessary condition for happiness.
Happiness is sometimes identified with money.
Money does not always bring happiness.
It goes without saying that money can't buy you happiness.
"How happy I am," she said.
All are happy in my family.
You can't imagine how happy she was.
All of his friends thought that he was happy.
"I am happy," she said to herself.
To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness.
May you always be happy!
I sincerely hope for his happiness.
It is generally believed that money brings happiness.
I am happiest when I sleep.
They looked really happy.
I am fortunate enough to have access to an excellent library.
I was immersed in the happy atmosphere of the occasion.
Wealth, as such, does not bring happiness.
It goes without saying that money cannot buy happiness.
I am happiest when I am reading.
Wealth may be a factor of happiness.
Despite being rich, he is not happy.
Jane looks very happy.
It's heart-warming to see that happy old couple.
The students made her life happy.
He says that if he were there he would be happy.
They will be used for making people happy.
Everybody knows that happiness is in contentment.
He was very happy during his school days.
Happiness does not consist of how much you possess.
He wasn't happy in spite of all his wealth.
The rich are not always happier than the poor.
He must be happier now after having remarried.
He radiates happiness around wherever he goes.
If anything, my father seems happier than before.
The Browns are a fine and happy family.
I decided to be happy because it's good for my health.
We are not as happy or unhappy as we imagine ourselves to be.
He is happy. For one thing he's got a promotion and for another he has just got married.
All things taken into consideration, my father's life was a happy one.
Science and art must contribute to the promotion of human welfare.
Education is the path to happiness, peace, righteousness, and success.
It is worthwhile considering what it is that makes people happy.
Love is above money. The latter can't give as much happiness as the former.
Whether happiness is the supreme value or not, it is earnestly desired by man.
Considering everything, my father's life was a happy one.
But I'm not sure whether it brings happiness to everybody.
For all his wealth, he is not happy.