1. black tea
Pitch accent
Composed of
deep red; crimson
tea; tea plant (Camellia sinensis); tea preparation; making tea; brown; (arch.) mockery
Used in vocabulary (4 in total)
kombucha; drink of northern Chinese origin made by fermentation of sweetened tea
kombucha; drink of northern Chinese origin made by fermentation of sweetened tea
Examples (31 in total)
Could you get me some tea?
Let's drink the cup of tea here.
This tea is hot.
Tea tastes really good.
Would you like some more tea?
He ordered a cup of tea.
I don't really like tea.
This is a very good tea.
Would you like coffee or tea with your breakfast?
Please give me a cup of tea.
I don't usually put sugar in my tea.
They drink a good deal of tea in England.
Whiskey goes very well with tea.
We import tea from India.
He dropped lemon juice into his tea.
My tea is a little too sweet.
Do you like green tea or black tea?
I had tea instead of coffee this morning.
Is the water hot enough to make tea?
Do you usually have tea for breakfast?
Please add lemon flavor to the tea.
Can you describe to me the difference between black tea and green tea?
He added a little sugar and milk to his tea.
Add a little more milk to my tea, please.
I usually put honey in my tea instead of sugar.
Me, I prefer coffee to tea.
What do you drink for breakfast? Tea or coffee?
Tom often puts honey in his tea instead of sugar.
Will you have another cup of tea?
In the 1600s, tea was introduced into Europe from India.
She stirred her tea with a little gold spoon.