1. thinking; thought; view; opinion; concept
2. idea; notion; imagination
3. intention; plan; design
4. consideration; judgement; deliberation; reflection
5. wish; hope; expectation
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (36 in total)
to ponder; to brood
surely; clearly; without a doubt; in all probability; no matter how one slices it; no matter how one looks at it
to reconsider; to rethink; to reassess
if you think about it; come to think of it
something to think about; one's thoughts; concern; thinking about something; being absorbed in one's thoughts
to be conceivable that; to be thinkable that
to think out; to devise; to invent; to begin to think; to come up with a plan
to think of; to come up with
on closer reflection; on second thought; come to think of it; actually
difficult to imagine; quite unlikely to; very doubtful; would not expect
way of thinking
puzzle; problem
mistaken idea; misunderstanding; wrong impression
unthinkable; unimaginable; inconceivable; unclassifiable; never dreamt of
to think too much; to be over-concerned
to contemplate; to ponder; to think long about; to turn over in one's mind
the more I think about it; the more one thinks about it
to collect one's thoughts; to gather one's thoughts; to put one's ideas in order
to be conceivable
to think thoroughly
unthinking; thoughtless; heedless; inconsiderate
to be at a loss; to think and think but get nowhere; to fail to come up with a good idea
without thinking of the consequences
to be absorbed in thought; to muse; to muse about; to think things through
to convey one's thoughts
to take (all of) into consideration
to state one's opinion
thoughtful; speculative
it's hard to tell a poor thinker from a sleeping one; they to whom only bad ideas come might as well be asleep; inadequate ideas are worse than none at all
thoughtless; heedless; rash
(in the middle of) considering; deliberating
it's hard to tell a poor thinker from a sleeping one; they to whom only bad ideas come might as well be asleep; inadequate ideas are worse than none at all
way of thinking; one's perspective
unthinkable; unimaginable
prejudiced opinion; conventional ideas
Examples (168 in total)
That's a good idea!
My opinion has changed.
This is a fantastic idea.