Verb (する)
1. consideration; taking into account
Kanji used
think (about something)
consider carefully
Pitch accent
Top 5100
Used in vocabulary (3 in total)
to take into consideration; to bear in mind
to take into consideration; to bear in mind
Examples (24 in total)
Thank you for your consideration.
You must take their ideas into account.
That's an interesting proposal. I'll think about it.
That requires careful consideration.
The problem is not worth consideration.
His suggestion is worth considering.
Your proposal is worthy of being considered.
The offer is worthy of being considered.
We must allow for some delay.
We considered the problem from all angles.
Sports can be dangerous if safety is ignored.
Taking everything into consideration, he bought the car.
It was proposed that this matter be considered at the next meeting.
You must take his age into account when you judge his performance.
I submit this plan for your consideration.
We should consider the problem from a child's point of view.
In light of his youth the police have decided not to charge him.
Taking everything into consideration, they ought to be given another chance.
We have to consider the problem in the light of cultural differences.
We must take into account the wishes of all the family in planning a trip.
Tom is thinking about applying for a better-paying job.
Ability is the only factor considered in promoting employees.
We will have to consider each application on a case-by-case basis.
Even if everything else is considered, I still don't like this plan.