Verb (5-dan, る, intransitive)
1. to fall (of rain, snow, ash, etc.); to come down
2. to form (of frost)
3. to beam down (of sunlight or moonlight); to pour in
4. to visit (of luck, misfortune, etc.); to come; to arrive
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (5 in total)
to drizzle (rain)
if a cat washes its face, rain is coming
Examples (186 in total)
I got off at the park.
Sleet is falling.
The first snow has fallen.
I don't think it'll rain tomorrow.
It may snow.
It is going to rain soon.
It looks like it's going to rain at any moment.
Fortunately, it isn't raining.
A fine rain was falling.
It snowed in Osaka.
It isn't going to rain this evening.
Unfortunately, it rained.
We didn't get any snow last year.
It's constantly snowing.
How much snow fell?
The weather forecast said it's going to rain.
It rained for three days.
There was a light rain yesterday.
Assuming it rains tomorrow, what should I do?
It will rain perhaps tomorrow.
The sky looks ominous. I wonder if it will rain.
It's raining hard tonight.
I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.
We haven't had much rain this year.
It was snowing when I reached the station.
It's supposed to snow tomorrow.
We prayed for rain.
I don't care if it snows.
We had heavy rainfall last night.
I wonder if it'll snow more this year than last year.
When was the last time it rained?
When I opened the curtains, it was snowing.
On top of that, it was raining.
When I woke up, it was snowing.
Does it rain a lot in Germany?
It rained three days on end.
Come to pick me up if it rains tomorrow.
It rained heavily in the morning.
You were lucky that you didn't get caught in the rain.
We rarely get snow here.
It's snowing in April.
Suddenly, the rain fell.
It rained for several days on end.
It was all the more depressing because it was raining.
We didn't have much rain last month.
It rains a lot in Okinawa.
It hasn't rained this month yet.
It rarely snows in this area.
It is likely to rain soon.
It rained for the first time in ten days.
It rained for three days on end.
When I woke up this morning, it was raining hard.
It doesn't matter whether it rains or shines.
It has been raining since Tuesday.
It snowed as was forecast.
Have you ever seen it hail?
It's snowing here in Boston.
The roof leaks every time it rains.
It hardly ever rains here.
I took a taxi because it was raining.
Down came the rain in torrents.
"Will it rain tomorrow?" "I hope not."
Since it was raining, we stayed at home.
It almost never rains here.
Whether it rains or not, I won't change my plan.
When I arrived, it was raining.
It was raining when we arrived.
It might rain, but I'm going anyhow.
It's raining, so you should stay at home.
In all likelihood, it will rain this afternoon.
It cannot have rained during the night.
Look at those clouds! It's going to rain.
Was it raining this morning when you got up?
According to the newspaper, it will rain today.
It will be raining at this time tomorrow.
This summer, it hasn't rained at all.
What should we do if it rains?
It rained as soon as he got home.
It might rain tomorrow.
In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our holiday.
Take an umbrella with you in case it rains.
It's been raining on and off since this morning.
My guess is that it will rain soon.
It rained three times during the trip.
It may have rained a little last night.
If it doesn't rain tomorrow, let's go out.
I hope it doesn't rain this Sunday.
It may rain at any moment.
I'm afraid it will rain tomorrow.
It has been raining since last Monday.
It has been raining on and off since noon.
We marched under a hail of bullets.
The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
Tom doesn't think that it'll rain tomorrow.
It's raining, but we'll go anyway.
Snow fell early this winter.
Where I live, we have snow in January.
It was raining when I got on the bus this morning.
It's been raining since last Thursday.
Although it looked like rain this morning, it has turned out fine.
Though it was raining, we played football.
The weather bureau says it will rain tonight.
The game was called off because it rained.
If it doesn't rain soon, there will be a drought.
Wasn't it supposed to snow last night?
I will go there even if it rains.
It often rains here in the spring.
It was snowing, but it wasn't very cold outside.
We were late for school because it rained heavily.
The game will be played even if it rains.
Does it snow here often in winter?
We have a lot of snow at this time of the year.
When class is over, it'll probably be raining.
The clouds are getting darker; it's going to rain.
I was thinking that I would go there by bicycle, but it began to rain.
Why do you have your umbrella up? It's not raining.
It's getting cloudy. It may rain soon.
Unless it rains, the game will be held on Sunday.
The soccer game will be played, even if it rains.
It's going to rain. Look at those dark clouds.
If it should rain, he will not come.
Even if it rains, I will start early tomorrow morning.
Yesterday they didn't play tennis, because it rained.
At times, it snows even in April around here.
We shall put off our departure in case it rains.
As the weather was snowy, we went skiing.
Avoid crossing this street when it's raining.
She was looking at the fine snow falling on the lake.
Not only were there strong winds yesterday, but also it rained heavily.
That path is apt to be muddy after rain.
This is the heaviest snowfall we have ever had.
That day, it rained on and off all day.
Since it was raining, Nancy hesitated to go out.
The festival will be held in the garden, unless it rains.
It's been raining heavily since this morning, so I don't want to go anywhere.
The road is dusty. It cannot have rained yesterday.
Take an umbrella with you in case it should rain.
It's raining and the room is damp, so let's use the air conditioner to dehumidify the room.
He explained to my son why it rains.
I will go even if it rains tomorrow.
It has never snowed on the island.
If it rains tomorrow, we'll go by bus.
The game would not have been called off if it hadn't rained so heavily.
I was planning on going to the beach today, but then it started to rain.
Generally speaking, there is little rain here in June.
They knelt and thanked God for sending them rain.
The weather today is great, but lately it's been raining all the time.
If it rains the day after tomorrow, I will stay at home.
If it snowed in May, they would be surprised.
If it rains tomorrow, the excursion will be canceled.
Suppose it rains tomorrow, shall we still go on the picnic?
If it snows a lot tomorrow, let's make a snowman.
Tom was caught in the rain and his new suit got ruined.
Judging from the look of the sky, it may rain this afternoon.
I had a bad cold, and to make matters worse, it began snowing.
I always wear boots when it rains or snows.
It was raining hard, so we played indoors.
The climate here is very mild, and snow seldom falls even in winter.
When it lightly rains like that, I wish to go for a walk in a park.
It rained heavily, and consequently the baseball game was called off.
This city will suffer from an acute water shortage unless it rains soon.
It's been snowing all day.
It's been snowing all night.
It has snowed for two days.
It was snowing all week.
It hasn't rained for more than two months.
We haven't had any rain for over a month.
It may rain tonight.
Do you have much snow in your country?
Come to think of it, it has been raining for a week.
It has been raining on and off since the day before yesterday.
It rained five days on end.
It was a week of alternate snow and rain.
Don't go outside. It's raining hard.
Eh? When did it start raining? I didn't notice at all.
In February it snows at least every three days.
They have had no rain in Africa for more than a month.
Why are you wearing a raincoat? It's not raining, is it?
We have not had a single drop of rain for two weeks.
If it rains the day after tomorrow, I'll stay at home.
It has got dark. Maybe it'll rain soon.
It has been the driest June for thirty years.
Since the road is wet this morning, it must have rained last night.
Snow is apt to fall in Chicago in late November.
Tears fall in my heart like the rain on the town.
Not a drop of rain fell for a month, so they had to dig a well.