1. highway; freeway; expressway; motorway
Pitch accent
Composed of
high-speed; rapid; express; highway; freeway; expressway
road; highway
Used in vocabulary (2 in total)
Examples (13 in total)
There was a multiple collision on the highway.
There was a terrible accident on the freeway.
We enjoyed driving along the new expressway.
The traffic accident took place on the main highway.
I got stuck in heavy traffic on the expressway.
Yesterday, there was a terrible accident on the highway.
He maintained a steady speed on the highway.
The police pursued the stolen vehicle along the motorway.
There are roads and freeways wherever you go in America.
The restaurant stands at the junction of two superhighways.
The line of cars stretched all the way from the expressway to the city centre.
There are many rest stops along the freeway for the convenience of travelers.
We left the motorway at junction 11.