1. people (of a country); nation; citizen; national
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (62 in total)
national (e.g. hero, pastime, consensus); relevant to all citizens; popular on a national level
the whole nation
Japanese citizen; Japanese citizens
Examples (43 in total)
The Japanese are a brave people.
The Americans are an aggressive people.
The Japanese are an industrious people.
Germans are a frugal people.
We are a conservative people.
The Americans are a democratic people.
The English are a taciturn people.
They are a peace-loving people.
The people deprived him of his rights.
The President spoke to the nation on TV.
The President made an address to the nation.
The Emperor is the symbol of the unity of the people.
The Japanese are a very clean people.
The country respects the Prime Minister.
Our people thirst for independence.
Many citizens enlisted in the army.
A country collects taxes from its people.
The Chinese are a hard-working people.
The English are said to be a practical people.
Americans, on the whole, are a talkative people.
The English are generally a conservative people.
The well being of the nation is the government's responsibility.
The nation as a whole is in favor of political reform.
A politician should serve the people.
The government of this country oppresses its people.
The revolt was led by the southern citizenry.
The king imposed heavy taxes on his people.
The Japanese as a whole are a rice-eating nation.
The patriots stood up for the rights of their nation.
Her death brought deep sorrow to the nation.
Every nation has its peculiar character.
She is a British citizen, but she was born in France.
The President's speech brought about a change in the American people.
In a democracy, the people elect their government officials directly.
He is French by birth, but he is now a citizen of the USA.
In a democracy, all citizens have equal rights.
The American people elected Mr. Clinton President.
We know that we are all people of one world.
I promise you, we as a people will get there.
In this country, we rise or fall as one nation, as one people.
The president called on the people to unite in fighting poverty and disease.
A flag is a symbol of the people.
He has worked for the welfare of his people for 30 years.