1. bone
2. frame
3. outline; core
4. backbone; spirit; fortitude
Adjective (な)
5. laborious; troublesome; difficult
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (37 in total)
to exert oneself greatly; to take pains
to make efforts; to take pains; to break a bone
to require much effort; to be hard to do; to be bone-breakingly hard
on the bone (meat, etc.); unboned; skeletal system; skeleton
having spirit; (being) staunch; having backbone
joint (between bones)
person of doubtful origin
boning (fish or meat); deboning; watering down (a plan, bill, etc.); dilution; taking the backbone out of; weakening
relaxation; recreation; recess
person of doubtful origin
to the core; to the bone; (lit.) to the marrow
to be bony; to be angular
skin and bones
flesh and bones
pains; efforts; trouble; labor; labour; services
to feel keenly; to strike to the core; to touch to the quick; to pierce deep inside (e.g. cold)
to make (somewhere) one's final home; to make (a place) one's final resting place; to do (something) for the rest of one's life; to devote (the rest of) one's life to (something)
to die; (lit.) to become bones
jawbone; mandible
to collect the ashes of the deceased; to look after someone's affairs after he dies
rickets; boneless; spineless
deep fried fish bones (snack food)
to draw breath; to take a rest after work; to have a breather; to take a break
bony; tough; plucky; spirited; hard to deal with
osteotomy; finely cutting a fish to cut up its small bones
to chill one's bones (e.g. because of cold, pain, etc.); to be very cold; to be scathing
picking up bones and bone fragments from (a person's) cremated remains with chopsticks and putting them in a funerary urn
Japanese spatterdock (species of water lily, Nuphar japonica)
to spare oneself; to spare oneself the trouble; (arch.) to nullify someone's efforts
to engrave in one's heart; (lit.) to inscribe on one's bones
to spare oneself (the trouble)
bone scan; bone scintigraphy
backbreaking work
kanji "bone" radical at left
something that one would not expect to exist; something exceedingly rare; (lit.) jellyfish bones
bone oil; clarified bone stock
Examples (12 in total)
A bone got stuck in my throat.
He gave the dog a bone.
This fish has a lot of bones.