1. root (of a plant)
2. root (of a tooth, hair, etc.); center (of a pimple, etc.)
3. root (of all evil, etc.); source; origin; cause; basis
4. one's true nature
5. (fishing) reef
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (68 in total)
feather; plume; wing; blade (of a fan, propeller, etc.); shuttlecock (in hanetsuki); arrow feathers
Shimane (prefecture); (arch.) island country
lily bulb
(mountain) ridge
root; source; origin; basis
nature; character; disposition
high peak
root (of a plant); stump (of a tree); root (of a problem, etc.); base
cutting roots; extermination; rooting out
base (of a plant, tree, pillar, etc.); (part near the) root; roots (of one's hair); root (e.g. of a problem); source
root; joint; base; crotch
laying the groundwork; behind-the-scenes maneuvering; consensus-building process; digging around the roots of a tree (before transplanting)
Hakone ekiden; Hakone long-distance relay race
root and branch; thoroughly; by the roots; completely; all
part of the eyebrow closest to the nose
hedge; fence; border; limit
innermost feelings; heart; motive
by nature; from the very beginning; through and through; absolutely (not); (not) at all
inquisitively; pryingly; nosily; thoroughly; persistently; through-and-through
unfounded (e.g. rumour); groundless; baseless; completely untrue
root of a tooth; fang
since the beginning; natural-born (salesman, etc.); absolutely (not); (not) at all
roots of grass; (fig.) places hidden from sight; grassroots (e.g. of a political party); rank and file
tiled roof
base of the tongue; root of the tongue
main roof; housetop
arrow feathers
root; lower part
netsuke; carved toggle used to tether a small container to the sash of a robe
lingering snow
tail feathers
plume; ornamental feather
shingle roof
rootless; groundless
thatched roof
flat roof
arrow-head; arrowhead
basic guarantee; initial guarantee; revolving guarantee; revolving credit agreement
main root; taproot
small roof (e.g. over the first storey of a building, a window, an attached shed or veranda, etc.); overhang
catching a fishing hook on seaweed, coral, etc. on the seabed or riverbed
bubo (inflamed swelling in a gland)
non-migratory seabed fish (e.g. rockfish)
dividing a plant's roots for transplanting
base-stone; plinth stone; stone that serves as a pedestal for a pillar
celeriac (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum)
root vegetable
balling and burlapping (horticulture); root wrapping
having exposed roots
revolving mortgage
uproot; redeem
root circumference
(arch.) kabuki script; illustrated kabuki script
pulling out by the roots; pulling up roots and all; native born; true born
root grafting
madder root
kanji "person" radical at top
children's game in which a wooden stick driven into the ground is dislodged by sticks thrown at it
non-migratory seabed fish (e.g. rockfish)
neawase; Heian period game of pulling out sweet flags and competing over whose plant has the longest roots
Examples (9 in total)
He's a good fellow at heart.
He's a kind man at heart.
I spent my vacation in Hakone.