1. seat; place
2. position; status
3. gathering; party; company; atmosphere (of a gathering)
4. stand; pedestal; platform
5. (historical) trade guild
6. attaches to the names of constellations
7. attaches to the names of theatres, cinemas and theatrical troupes
8. counter for theatres, deities, Buddhist images, tall mountains, and satokagura songs
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (237 in total)
nearby (one's seat); (by) one's side; Dear (Mr./Mrs.)
remaining an idle spectator; looking on unconcernedly (doing nothing)
zabuton (flat floor cushion used when sitting or kneeling; usu. rectangular)
seat (of chair, bench, etc.); seat base
tatami room; tatami mat room; formal Japanese room; dinner party in a tatami room (esp. when a geisha or maiko attends)
rectangular company stamp; square company seal
the whole company; the party; attendance (at a gathering); presence; banquet; dinner; troupe
blind man; masseur (usu. blind)
leaving one's seat (before an event is over); excusing oneself (from a meeting, conversation, etc.)
two-seater (e.g. aircraft)
sitting opposite each other
immediate; right there on the spot; impromptu; instant; instantaneous
zazen (seated Zen meditation, usu. in a cross-legged position)
leader of a troupe
Vela (constellation); the Sails
Ginza (shopping district in Tokyo); (Edo period) silver mint
for the time being; for the present; immediate; present; for some time (after); current account
sitting in a circle
(system of) extending complicity for a crime to the criminal's family members
Pisces (constellation); the Fish; the Fishes; (arch.) fishmongers' guild
seat of honor; seat of honour
lowest seat
kabuki troupe; kabuki theater (theatre); Kabuki-za (theatre in Tokyo)
working in the theater (theatre); attached to a particular theater
reeling by hand (esp. silk); hand filature; counter sinking (making conical depression so screw-heads don't protrude above surface); spot facing (machining a flat space for bolt head, etc.); hollowing out (e.g. wooden chair seat, scallop pattern on roof, etc.)
lower seat; seat at bottom of the table
(commander, visiting dignitary) going on board (warship, plane)
chairman; leader of a troupe; proprietor of a theatrical company
running aground; being stranded; grounding; beaching
attendance; presence
member of a theatrical troupe
entering a tea room; (arch.) joining a group
coming down from one's seat and prostrating oneself (to pay obeisance); musicians' box on the left side of the stage; lower seat
Edo-period gold mint
seat of honor; seat of honour; head of the table; head
theater proprietor; theatre proprietor; producer
poetic meeting
seat (horizontal part of a chair); floorboard
Draco (constellation); the Dragon
coordinate; coordinates
opening performance; opening act; curtain raiser; minor performer; minor storyteller; subordinate part
Lyra (constellation); the Lyre
conversation; discussion
henbit deadnettle (Lamium amplexicaule); henbit; Japanese nipplewort (Lapsanastrum apogonoides)
lotus position (meditation and yoga posture); padmasana; sitting with legs crossed and feet placed on opposing thighs; lotus seat (under Buddhist statue); lotus base; lotus pedestal
nucleus accumbens (part of the forebrain)
sedentary work
constellation; astrological sign; star sign; zodiac sign
single-seater; single-seated; sitting alone
low table
tatami chair; legless chair; small, legless chair used while sitting on tatami
Scorpio (constellation); the Scorpion
entertainment (at a party); amusement; fun; trick
Aquarius (constellation); the Water Carrier; the Water Bearer
Libra (constellation); the Scales
Taurus (constellation); the Bull
throne; (the place of) a nobleman's seat
Aquila (constellation); the Eagle
sitting in the open air
ischium; ischial bone
Auriga (constellation); the Charioteer
entertaining guests
seiza; kneeling with the tops of the feet flat on the floor, and sitting on the soles
account (e.g. bank)
classroom learning (as contrasted to practical training); classroom lecture
chief seat; seat of honor; seat of honour; head of the table
chief seat; seat of honor; seat of honour; head of the table
course (e.g. of lectures); academic university unit (professor, lecturers, etc.)
implication (in a crime); involvement; (arch.) sitting in a row (in the same seat)
seat (of a chair)
platform; stage; upper seat; pulpit
toilet seat
taking a seat
chrysanthemum-shaped metal fixture; chrysanthemum-shaped hemstitch; anus; anal intercourse
sitting upright (properly)
Gemini (constellation); the Twins
vantage point; viewpoint; standpoint; outlook
place where there is a god or spirit; place containing the sacred object of a shrine
to leave one's seat
Virgo (constellation); the Virgin
Scorpio (constellation); the Scorpion
Orion (constellation); the Hunter
the whole assembly; the full house; whole group; everyone
sitting in circle; round straw mat
Leo (constellation); the Lion; Buddha's seat; seat of a high monk
Aries (constellation); the Ram
Cancer (constellation); the Crab
gun platform
Cygnus (constellation); the Swan
sitting position
position of power
opera house
free markets and open guilds; way of sitting on the ground with the sole of both feet pressed together
to take a seat; to sit; to occupy a position (e.g. committee president)
one's sitting height
seated figure (e.g. of Buddha); sedentary statue; sedentary image
one of the six administrators of a Zen temple (in charge of food and other matters)
sitting calmly and quietly (i.e. in order to meditate)
Sagittarius (constellation); the Archer
gathering; theatrical troupe
Capricornus (constellation); Capricorn; the Goat
Capricornus (constellation); Capricorn; the Goat
Cetus (constellation); the Whale
what star sign; what constellation
sitting together; the same theater (theatre); involvement; entanglement; implication
Ophiuchus (constellation); the Serpent Bearer
long stay
Holy See
Ursa Major (constellation)
to withdraw from someone's presence; to leave the room
Serpens (constellation); the Snake
Holy See; See of Rome
stranding; running aground
to put a damper on proceedings (at a meeting, party, etc.)
bowing while sitting
Perseus (constellation)
Canis Major (constellation); the Greater Dog
revival house; repertory cinema; theater showing classic films
three people sitting in a triangle
Andromeda (constellation); the Chained Woman
Eridanus (constellation); the River
Boötes (constellation); the Herdsman
Hydra (constellation); the Sea Serpent
Corona Borealis (constellation); the Northern Crown
extension lectures
Sagitta (constellation); the Arrow
Cepheus (constellation)
Pegasus (constellation); the Winged Horse
stone-like socle (used as the base for a Buddhist statue)
sitting alone
Ursa Minor (constellation); the Lesser Bear
living in idleness
Centaurus (constellation); the Centaur
Coma Berenices (constellation); the Berenice's Hair
to entertain one's guests; to keep a group entertained
Monoceros (constellation); the Unicorn
Chamaeleon (constellation); the Chameleon
to keep everybody entertained
Lepus (constellation); the Hare
Cassiopeia (constellation); the Seated Queen
Piscis Austrinus (constellation); the Southern Fish
Canis Minor (constellation); the Lesser Dog
Crux (constellation)
sitting posture with the legs bent back on each side; Japanese traditional informal female sitting posture; w-sitting; reverse tailor style sitting
Corvus (constellation); the Crow; the Raven
dharma seat (seat from which one gives Buddhist sermons); Buddhist religious service
Hercules (constellation)
Corona Australis (constellation); the Southern Crown
medieval trade guild specialized in perilla oil
Triangulum (constellation); the Triangle
Apus (constellation); the Bird-of-Paradise
main performance; headliner; latter half of a formal tea ceremony (in which the tea is actually consumed)
downstage left (in noh), where the secondary actor is often seated
downstage left (in noh), where the secondary actor is often seated
Vulpecula (constellation); the Fox
sitting up straight
Canes Venatici (constellation); the Hunting dogs
Lynx (constellation)
Pyxis (constellation); the Compass Box
Ara (constellation); the Altar
Pictor (constellation); the Easel
Scutum (constellation); the Shield
organization of shrine parishioners in a hamlet; parish guild
Indus (constellation); the Indian
morning service
Microscopium (constellation); the Microscope
Pavo (constellation); the Peacock
Lupus (constellation); the Wolf
Norma (constellation); the Rule
Columba (constellation); the Dove
Horologium (constellation); the Pendulum Clock
Carina (constellation); the Keel
Octans (constellation); the Octant
Tucana (constellation); the Toucan
Camelopardalis (constellation); the Giraffe
(formal) ways of sitting
translocation (genetics)
flute-player seating area (noh), behind upstage left
back-right corner of rear stage (area behind main noh stage); (lit.) stage attendant's spot
Crater (constellation); the Cup
Mensa (constellation); the Table
Puppis (constellation); the Poop Deck
Telescopium (constellation); the Telescope
nocturnal seated Zen meditation (esp. around 8pm); sitting at night
Noctua (no longer recognized constellation); the Owl
Buddhist image seat; temple pulpit
valve seat
Caelum (constellation); the Chisel
Sculptor (constellation)
Dorado (constellation); the Goldfish; the Swordfish
Delphinus (constellation); the Dolphin
Sextans (constellation); the Sextant
Equuleus (constellation); the Colt
Lacerta (constellation); the Lizard
sedentary work
Phoenix (constellation)
seat of an engine
Equuleus (constellation); the Colt
the episcopal seat
gunmakers guild
two images of Buddha
Reticulum (constellation); the Reticle
Reticulum (constellation); the Reticle
Crux (constellation)
genetic locus
Buddha's seat; seat of a high monk
rear part of a noh stage
small garden best enjoyed while sitting at a fixed viewing point
upstage right (on a noh stage)
noh chorus seating area; side stage (noh)
place on bridge passageway next to the rear of a noh stage
evening service
Antlia (constellation); the Air Pump
Circinus (constellation); the Compass
Fornax (constellation); the Furnace
Grus (constellation); the Crane
Leo Minor (constellation); the Small Lion
Musca (constellation); the Fly
Triangulum Australe (constellation); the Southern Triangle
Volans (constellation); the Flying Fish
favourite motto; pet saying
sitting and worshipping; worshipping while sitting down
to be; to exist
to be; to exist
Examples (4 in total)
This is a direct broadcast from the Showa theater.
I want to be at the top of the company.
He was the champion for three years.