1. debt; loan
Kanji used
financial bond
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (44 in total)
debt; liabilities
credit; claim
bond; debenture
public debt; public bond; government securities
corporate bond; corporate debenture
Japanese government bond; JGB
cruel creditor; bill collector
foreign loan; foreign debt; foreign bond
municipal bond; local bond
structured bond
junk bond; junk bonds
municipal bond
foreign loan; foreign debt; foreign bond
internal debt or loans
bank debenture bond
school bond or debenture
warrant loan; bonds with warrants
domestic loan
interest-bearing bond
private placement bond; privately-placed bond; privately-subscribed bonds
electric company bond
inflation-indexed bonds; inflation-linked bonds
subordinated debt
foreign currency bonds
depopulation bond; funding measure for depopulated areas
partial payment of a debt; reduction of a debt
samurai bond; yen-denominated loan
gilt-edged security; gilt-edged bond
Celebrity bond