1. again; once more; a second time
Pitch accent
Top 8700
Composed of
two; 2
time (three times, each time, etc.); times
Used in vocabulary (4 in total)
to reassume
to reread; to read again
Examples (49 in total)
I saw her again.
There was another silence.
I shut my eyes again.
Tom won again.
I was happy to see her again.
Bob saw him again.
The volcano has become active again.
I tried my best, only to fail again.
May there never be another world war!
The good old days are gone never to return.
It became quiet again in the forest.
We must not go to war again.
He was never to see his mother again.
He was never to see his parents again.
Never will I see her again.
He tried it again, but in vain.
There is little chance of my meeting him again.
He was never to return to his hometown.
Having failed twice, William didn't want to try again.
She's afraid of getting sick again.
Tom never saw him again.
My business is picking up again.
Can such a thing happen again?
He gave way to the temptation again.
Let's take up this matter after lunch.
I'm afraid your request for a pay raise was turned down again.
I'm looking forward to the return of spring.
After a while she began to play the piano again.
They parted, never to see each other again.
She made up her mind to try again.
As soon as he finished eating, he began to walk again.
When the excitement died down, the discussion resumed.
And after a long time the boy came back again.
He was never to see his homeland again.
Discussion resumed after a short interruption.
Again, Hawking was almost ready to give up.
I'll never see him again as long as I live.
The man regained the use of his left arm.
I agree with them that we should try again.
I'll be visiting Japan again in a few years.
Once you leave here, you can't come back again.
Tomorrow morning, we will regroup at 8 o'clock. Don't be late.
If I should fail again, I would give up the plan.
He requested that I come here again this afternoon.
The article on Buddhism revived my interest in oriental religions.
The price of rice is going up again.
The oil companies increased the price of gas again.
He saw his home-town again only after ten years.
In 1997, the world was surprised again when Mother Teresa died.