Adjective (の)
1. latest; newest; late-breaking (news)
Pitch accent
Composed of
the most; the extreme; prime; conspicuous
new; neo-; newness; novelty; Gregorian calendar; Xin dynasty (China, 9-23 CE)
Used in vocabulary (9 in total)
state-of-the-art; cutting-edge
latest style
most recent work (e.g. book, film, etc.); latest work; latest offering
Examples (21 in total)
This is the latest fashion.
Do you have the latest version?
This car is the latest model.
What's his most recent novel?
His motorcycle is the latest model.
That streetcar is the most recent model.
I have a bicycle of the latest model.
Have you heard the latest news about the war?
This is the latest fashion this spring.
I would like to get your latest catalogue.
Her latest book deals with pollution.
This laboratory is equipped with the latest computers.
We would like to report about the latest trends in Japan.
His latest works are on display at the square.
It covers everything from the fundamentals of microbiology to the latest news.
Would you lend me the latest issue of the magazine?
The latest issue of the magazine will come out next Monday.
The scientist explained the strange phenomena in the light of recent scientific knowledge.
We can not follow the latest topics without reading a newspaper every day.
Doctors should keep abreast with all the latest developments in medicine.
Net profit for the last three months is a new record high!