Verb (irregular, intransitive)
Usually written in kana
1. to be; to exist; to live
usu. of inanimate objects
2. to have
3. to be located
4. to be equipped with
5. to happen; to come about
Kanji used
be in possession
Pitch accent
Top 8500
Used in vocabulary (43 in total)
presence or absence; whether something is there or not; whether something happens or not
all that one has; all that there is; the whole
to have (urgent) business; to have something one needs to attend to; to have something one wants to say (to someone)
Examples (19 in total)
Do you have any standing room?
How many pieces of baggage do you have?
Happiness lies in contentment.
What are you interested in?
There is no objection on my part.
The city hall is located at the center of the city.
I wish we had time.
There are quite a few hotels by the lake.
There is a mistake in her composition.
He believes in the supernatural.
Even if you lose the game, you'll have another chance.
You should see this film if you get the opportunity.
He has quite a lot of experience in driving.
There was food and drink in abundance at the party.
I think your letter is under that book.
There are hundreds of books in his study.
I don't have the courage to ask my boss to lend me his car.
Hmm, did we have some breadcrumbs?
No other mountain in Japan is as high as Mt. Fuji.