1. murder; killing; murderer
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (16 in total)
strong sake; firewater; rotgut
to kill each other
dogcatcher; person who used to catch dogs and execute them for rabies prevention
professional killer; hit man
ladykiller; ladies' man; murder of a woman; murderer of a woman; femicide
strong sake; firewater; rotgut
clincher; pick-up line; honeyed phrase; telling phrase; phrase that brings someone around, esp. in personal relationships
with hushed footsteps
(you) couldn't kill (him) if you tried
fixed fitting (esp. window)
triple murder
Oriental photinia (species of shrub, Photinia villosa)
murder scene (in kabuki, etc.)
to do an act of benevolence at the sacrifice of oneself
to sacrifice something small in order to save something great; to lose a leg to save one's life; to kill a small bug and help a large one
to sacrifice something small in order to save something great; to lose a leg to save one's life; (lit.) to kill a small bug and save a large one