1. journal; magazine; periodical
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (24 in total)
Examples (76 in total)
Shall I bring a magazine?
Tom likes reading magazines.
My mother is reading a magazine.
Any magazine will do.
Do you have a Japanese magazine?
This is a car magazine.
I bought a magazine from him.
I bought a magazine at the bookstore.
The magazines were sold out.
I read a magazine to kill time.
Where can I buy that magazine?
Are you finished with that magazine?
Don't throw away this magazine.
There are some magazines in my room.
She put the magazine on the table.
This magazine is widely read.
This magazine sells well.
Leave the books and magazines as they are.
She glanced through the magazine.
The magazine is enjoying great popularity.
The magazine comes out every week.
This magazine circulates widely.
That magazine isn't interesting or anything like that.
I bought a magazine in a store.
It is foolish to read such a magazine.
Do you subscribe to any magazines?
What magazines do you subscribe to?
This is the magazine I spoke to you about.
I haven't been reading any books or magazines lately.
She sat in a chair reading a magazine.
The magazine you lent me is very interesting.
The magazines are piled up next to the table.
That store sells newspapers and magazines.
Are there any English magazines in this library?
She sat on the sofa, reading a magazine.
The company published a new magazine.
The magazine is issued twice a month.
Tom is sitting on the sofa, reading a magazine.
The governor's speech was published in the magazine.
I cut the article out of the magazine.
We examined the following magazines to collect the data.
That magazine is aimed at teenagers.
The actress sued the magazine for libel.
Don't throw away this magazine. I haven't read it yet.
Such magazines have a great influence on children.
What is the use of reading magazines?
I read it in a magazine three days ago.
Some people are reading magazines on the train.
She reached out for the magazine on the shelf.
I found nothing interesting in that magazine.
How many magazines are on the desk?
Jack reached out for the magazine on the shelf.
She was absorbed in reading the magazine.
This kind of magazine can do harm to young people.
I read about the singer in a magazine, too.
Inside the box were cuttings from newspapers and magazines.
I learned about the new book by the advertisement in the magazine.
Would you lend me the latest issue of the magazine?
I found the new magazine very interesting.
He sent me some American magazines.
The magazine article said that the value of the yen would rise.
Here is a new magazine for you to read.
I read books and magazines to keep up with the times.
One magazine is for boys, and another for girls.
The editor and publisher of this magazine was criticized by some readers.
He sat reading a magazine, with his wife knitting beside him.
Mick killed time by reading a magazine while waiting for his date.
When he opens a magazine, he will usually read his horoscope first.
According to this magazine, the economic situation in Japan is getting worse year by year.
I keep a large dictionary close at hand when I read English magazines.
These are my sister's magazines.
This magazine's release day is on Wednesday every two weeks.
The shop had sold out its stock of that magazine.
She killed time reading a magazine while she waited.
I've been subscribing to that magazine for four years.
I wagered him a dollar that I'd sell more magazines than he would.