1. figure; form; shape
2. appearance; dress; guise
3. state; condition; picture; image
4. form (of a waka)
5. dressed in ...; wearing ...
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (33 in total)
retreating figure; appearance from behind
appearance; figure; shape; form
suited figure; person in a suit
Examples (31 in total)
I saw the figure of a man.
The mountain has a beautiful shape.
Nobody was to be seen on the main street.
I can hear you, but I can't see you.
When he saw me, he ran away.
He is a devil in human shape.
I caught sight of her figure in the distance.
Can you imagine me making a cake?
His wife was nowhere to be seen.
I caught sight of the boy escaping from the classroom.
He has a slender figure.
Mt. Fuji is noted for its beautiful shape.
It's heart-warming to see that happy old couple.
She has a well-proportioned figure.
My grandfather made the company what it is today.
I'm looking at my reflection in the lake.
As soon as she saw me, she burst out crying.
There isn't anybody in front of the main gate yet.
They caught sight of the man among the crowd of people.
Tom showed up at the party wearing a suit and tie.
I caught a glimpse of him as he turned the corner.
Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection in the water.
He looked so funny that I couldn't help laughing.
The instant he saw the policeman, he ran away.
Men in kimonos are no longer a common sight in Tokyo.
The ships left the port never to be seen again.
Without Chinese influences, Japanese culture would not be what it is today.
I saw her for a moment, but then lost sight of her in the crowd.
Tom has a picture of a girl in a bikini on his bedroom wall.
When I last saw him, he was wearing a blue shirt and white slacks.
Japan is very different from what it was fifty years ago.