Verb (archaic, intransitive)
Verb (5-dan, ぬ, intransitive)
1. to die; to pass away
2. to lose spirit; to lose vigor; to look dead
3. to cease; to stop
Pitch accent
Top 30700
Used in vocabulary (5 in total)
to be burnt to death
to death (bored, scared, etc.); to distraction; like crazy; like mad; so much; dying (e.g. for a drink)
all out; like hell; like crazy; desperately; (lit.) expecting to die
Examples (200 in total)
She died.
Who died?
Why do you want to die?
Someone has died.
I won't die.
If you don't sleep, you'll die.
I thought I was going to die.
That person died.
Are we going to die?
If you get shot, you'll die.
Oh, we're dead.
How many people died?
Otherwise, you will die.
You are already dead!
This man is dead.
I want to die laughing.
Everyone else is dying.
If you eat that, you'll die.
I am afraid of dying.
For a moment, I thought I was going to die.
Will he die?
Am I going to die?
I'm not dead yet.
He is probably dead.
Can you die for love?
...and that's why I don't want to let everyone die!
Everyone dies someday.
The dog was dead.
We're all going to die anyway.
We'll all eventually die.
We could die.
Many fish died.
He is afraid of death.
I thought I would die from laughter.
My mom died last year.
They died one after another.
He is as good as dead.
Stella really is dead!
The prisoner died under torture.
The man died of cancer.
My goldfish died.
We'll all die sooner or later.
He died last year.
Latin is a dead language.
I would rather die than surrender.
I really want to die already.
I want to die, but I cannot.
Why did she have to die?
What happens after we die?
I don't know whether he is dead or alive.
If he doesn't drink, he will die.
Why do we have to die?
I may die tomorrow.
They are all dead.
My mother died when I was a kid.
I would die for you.
He is said to have died here.
They died for the cause of liberty.
I'm always ready for death.
Is the bird alive or dead?
He died of that disease.
The main character dies at the end of the book.
Three years have passed since he died.
It's been ten years since my father died.
Who will weep when I die?
He was given up for dead.
It's been three years since my father died.
Both of the brothers are dead.
An old man lay dead on the road.
Is the mouse dead or alive?
My father died a peaceful death last night.
The explosion killed several passers-by.
You mustn't speak ill of the dead.
I'm dying of thirst. Give me water!
Cookie's mother died of cancer.
Do you know how old Mozart was when he died?
They fear that he may be dead.
Tom was killed by a stray bullet.
He died without having made a will.
Do you think he is dead?
I was afraid he might die.
I want to do it before I die.
This is believed to be the place where he died.
He died the next day.
They could not tell whether he was dead or alive.
Five years have gone by since my father died.
I remembered my mother, who died suddenly.
My father died before I was born.
People thought that she was dead.
A lot of soldiers died here.
We confirmed her death.
He died before I arrived.
My friend died from an injury.
He died content with his life.
A lot of people died in that accident.
If I hadn't had his help, I would be dead.
It's a miracle that he wasn't killed in the accident.
Many people were killed as a result of the storm.
I was born the year my grandfather died.
They were thought to have died many years before.
Fortunately he didn't die in the accident.
My mother died when I was a child.
At that time, I thought that I was going to die for real.
The boy was given up for dead.
The news of his death spread.
I'd rather die than betray my friends!
I wanna see the afterlife without dying.
The next morning found him dead in his bathroom.
Bob said to his friend: "The bird is dead."
A lot of wild animals died for lack of food.
Is the snake alive or dead?
The strong will survive and the weak will die.
I would rather die than live in disgrace.
One of the twins is alive, but the other is dead.
In ancient times, plagues killed many people.
All men die. Tom is a man. Therefore, Tom will die.
Thousands of people died of hunger.
A woman whose husband is dead is called a widow.
Much to his surprise, he found his dog dead.
A living dog is better than a dead lion.
The clerk died from overwork.
He became very rich before he died.
I heard that he'd died.
Tom died in Boston last summer.
Please tell me the truth. Am I going to die?
Without water, we would soon die.
If I were to die, what would my family do?
No one lives in this house. Everyone is dead.
I often think of my dead mother.
If there is ever another war, we will all die.
She died before I arrived there.
The explosion that followed killed many people.
Both of her sons died during the war.
If it weren't for the sun, we'd all die.
If the sun were to go out, all living things would die.
Of course, I do not want to die. But to be alive is painful as well.
I was surprised at the news of his death.
Both his father and mother are dead.
God has ordained that all men shall die.
My grandfather died shortly after my birth.
She continued writing in her diary until she died.
He took over the business after his father died.
If you should die, what would become of your family?
He amassed a large fortune before he died.
The injured were carried to the hospital, and the dead to the church.
If that boy had not been killed in the traffic accident, he would be a college student now.
Many people in Africa were killed as a result of the storm.
A man named Slim was killed in that accident.
I'd rather die than marry you!
What will become of the children now that both parents are dead?
But this is the story of an old man who wants to die.
My stomach hurts, my throat hurts, and I have a fever. I feel like I'm dying.
Strange to say, he met someone who was said to be dead.
If the sun were to stop shining, all living things would die.
When her husband died, she felt like committing suicide.
What will become of the children after his death?
Two of his children had died when they were babies.
Had I taken that plane, I would be dead by now.
Mr. Fuji died, leaving 4 children behind him.
The police found the politician dead in his room.
Without water, the soldiers would have died.
I met her the year that my uncle William died.
We die only once, and for such a long time.
If he should die tomorrow, what in the world would you do?
Three workers on board the truck were killed in the accident.
If he had not died so young, he would have become a great scientist.
It'd be better to die than live a life like that.
The soldiers were ready to die for their country.
"His father died yesterday." "I have never seen such a man before."
I could not accept that my wife was really dead.
No person can decide when someone should die.
There were cars burning, people dying, and nobody could help them.
When the last leaf falls, I must go, too.
Is it right for a doctor to decide when someone should die?
The boy dug a grave for his dog that had died.
The boy dug a grave for his dead pet.
He asked the policeman how many people had been killed in traffic accidents the previous day.
Who would look after my children if I died?
The moment she heard the news of her son's death, she burst into tears.
The rumor of her death turned out false.
If the brain is dead, we should let the patient die.
Many young men died in the cause of democracy during the war.
When his wife died, he received dozens of letters of sympathy.
I had been in Tokyo only three days when I received news of my father's death.
When their leader died, they placed his body in a large tomb.
Taro died two years ago.
You can only die once.
It's been ten years since my grandfather died.
Queen Elizabeth I passed away in 1603.
He died from lack of oxygen.
He died at the age of seventy.
My father died when I was thirteen.
My father died four years ago.
His mother died four years later.
One month after he had become ill, he died.
Christ died once for all humans.
Two hundred people died of cholera last year.
Six months have passed since the author was killed in an accident.
We found some dead fish in the river.
There were 20 more births than deaths in the town last month.