1. fact; truth; reality
Pitch accent
Composed of
individual concrete phenomenon (as opposed to a general principle)
truth; reality; sincerity; honesty; content; substance
Used in vocabulary (16 in total)
established fact; fait accompli
as a matter of fact; actually; effectively; in reality; in effect
common knowledge; well-known fact
Examples (124 in total)
Climate change is real.
The facts are otherwise.
That fact can't be denied.
I'm sure of the fact.
Neither was true.
The rumor turned out to be true.
It's a proven fact.
This fact must not be forgotten.
No one knows the fact.
Did you acquaint him with the fact?
He doesn't yet know the truth.
Your story doesn't square with the facts.
He explained the facts at length.
This book deals with facts.
He didn't know the fact that everyone knew.
She came to know the fact.
Unfortunately, the report is true.
She was merely stating a fact.
It fairly took time to explain the fact.
The story is not in accord with the facts.
What he has said is contrary to fact.
You must face the facts.
The facts became known to everyone.
The fact is apparent to everybody.
You have to distinguish fact from fiction.
He can't tell fact from fiction.
This is fact, not fiction.
It is a fact that smoking is a danger to health.
That news report is inconsistent with the facts.
Only a handful of people know the fact.
They are the only people who know the fact.
They seem to be conscious of the fact.
The fact is known to everybody.
I was quite ignorant of the fact.
When did you get to know the fact?
This fact is all but unknown to them.
I made the fact known to all my friends.
The truth is that she was not there.
I know it for a fact.
It is a fact that I don't know her name.
He admitted that it was true.
I think that fact is very important.
No one can deny the fact.
The fact proves his honesty.
We are inclined to forget this fact.
These facts are mutually related.
I took the fact for granted.
We have overlooked this important fact.
This fact proves his innocence.
The authorities have been hiding the facts from the public.
This story is founded on fact.
The facts bear out this hypothesis.
That fact proves his innocence.
You must take that fact into consideration.
Please bear this fact in mind.
His story was borne out by the facts.
Many economists are ignorant of that fact.
It is true that television also has some disadvantages.
You may not believe it, but it is nonetheless true.
He concealed the fact from me.
It appears that my mother knows the fact.
We should have told him the truth.
I know the facts well enough.
This fact shows that he is honest.
Only yesterday did I know the fact.
He was ignorant of the fact that the town had been destroyed.
I cannot accept the fact that he is dead.
What I'm saying is quite true.
There is one important fact of which you are unaware.
You should make sure of the facts before you write something.
Every student in the class knows that fact.
I think it impossible to deny the fact.
Strange as it may sound, it is still fact.
I'll tell you the truth: I lied to you.
Listen to the facts relative to the issue.
They won't believe me even if I swear it is true.
No one can deny the fact that the earth is round.
He illustrated the theory with facts.
He concealed the fact that he had divorced his wife.
The fact that he was a great statesman cannot be denied.
Doctors have discovered some startling facts.
The fact was of interest to the scientists.
This fact shows us that he is innocent.
You must state the fact as it is.
The fact seemed to irritate her husband.
The police dug out some facts about the matter.
You should investigate the fact from a medical viewpoint.
Science is far more than a collection of facts and methods.
New facts about ancient China have recently come to light.
The conclusion was formed on the basis of these facts.
The function of the press is to provide the common people with facts.
It was not till the next morning that we knew the fact.
The fact is known to everyone in the town.
I'm not saying that that's good or bad. It's simply a fact.
Everybody knows for a fact that he is still alive.
Great was her surprise when she knew the fact.
Had he known the facts, the accident might have been avoided.
I didn't have the heart to tell him the truth.
Write down the facts needed to convince other people.
You should acquaint yourself with the facts before you make a decision.
If I were to tell you the whole truth, you would be amazed.
I merely came to inform you of the fact.
Judging from those facts, Mr Mori must be a wealthy person.
Can it be true that he has denied that fact?
It's a well-known fact that spiders aren't insects.
Tom is having trouble coping with the fact that his son committed suicide.
We know the fact that she was born in Canada.
There is no denying the fact that no one is free from racial prejudice.
It came out that what he had told the police was not true.
If I were to tell you the truth, you would be surprised.
Facts are to science what words are to the poets.
He denied the fact of her having called him that evening.
Here are five amazing facts about English today.
A true scientist would not distort facts.
These facts will show that his story is true.
Editors often go to extremes in providing their readers with unimportant facts.
Had he known the truth, he would have told me.
Education does not consist simply in learning a lot of facts.
Each generation would have to rediscover for itself the truths of the past.
You must remember the fact that you owe her a lot.
The staff at the company tried to cover up the truth, but soon it came to light.
The lie got him in trouble when his boss found out the truth.
Thanks to this book, I learned some interesting facts about this insect.
A few important facts emerged after the investigation.