1. office work; clerical work; administration; business; affairs
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (40 in total)
administrative; businesslike; practical; impersonal; perfunctory; robot-like
clerk; office worker; office staff
secretariat; executive office
office (room)
manager; purser
administrative official; secretary; commissioner
permanent vice-president; undersecretary; vice-minister
secretary-general; director-general; executive director; executive secretary
clerical work
office workers; office staff; clerical staff
office job; clerical work
secretary-general; director
business use
administrative staff; business clerk; clerical force; clerical officer; clerical personnel; clerical staff
office supplies; stationery
work clothes
man of affairs
to do (attend to) business
office worker; clerk
business machine(ry)
solicitor (legal practitioner)
administrative affairs
chief secretary
officials in charge
business machines
taking over an office
amount of business
to attend to business
acting director
business meeting
administrative data processing
office automation; OA
Office Document Language
Office Document Language
scope of affairs under the jurisdiction
Examples (1 in total)
He put forward a plan for improving office efficiency.