1. child; boy
2. I; me
used by children to their parents, etc.
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (81 in total)
boy; son; man
young child; toddler; child over 1 but not yet of school age
beloved child
debauched person
abandoned child
greenhorn; fledgling
orphan; person without friends
sick child
one's dead child
kindergartener; preschooler
kindergarten pupil; kindergartener
child prodigy
nonconformist; dissenter; maverick; enfant terrible
illegitimate child; bastard; love child
baby girl; primary schoolgirl
problem child
fetus; foetus; embryo; unborn child
young child; infant
infant; baby
juvenile vagrant; street urchin; waif; guttersnipe
newborn baby
favorite child; favourite child; darling; favorite; star
child of mixed parentage; mixed-race child
feral child
child prodigy; wonder child
newborn baby; childbirth
superior child
truant; school dropout; child who refuses to attend school
lucky adventurer; adventurer who takes advantage of troubled times; soldier of fortune
premature baby
revolutionary; child of the revolution; man of revolutionary temperament
child consultation center; child consultation centre
deformed child
baseball-playing teenager; high-school baseball player
child with a (physical or mental) disability; disabled child
feeble-minded child; poor scholar
child psychology
rebellious individual
overweight child
nursery school pupil
boys and girls
children and grandchildren; descendants
popular person
truant child; child who refuses to attend school
pre-school child; pre-schooler
stillborn baby
premature baby
lucky person; fortunate man
children born of multiple birth (e.g. twins, triplets, etc.)
dead child; stillborn child
child under a year old
mentally-handicapped (retarded) child (pejorative); weak-minded child
immature youth
healthy child
autistic child
my child; my son; piglet
mentally-handicapped (retarded) child; weak-minded child
physically abused child; battered child
physically weak or sickly child
physically handicapped child
newborn baby
disabled child; physically handicapped child
intellectually disabled child
live birth; child born alive
child pornography
(child in the) terrible twos
pictures drawn by a child
emotionally disturbed child
emotionally disturbed child
child with a learning disability
learning disabled child
hyperactive child
(child in the) terrifying threes
severely handicapped child who needs constant medical care
another child; other children
child; children
Examples (2 in total)
Mary is a mother of two.
He has two children, aged 4 and 1.