1. time
2. hour
3. period; class; lesson
Pitch accent
Composed of
hour; o'clock; (specified) time; when ...; during ...
interval; period of time; among; between; good opportunity; chance
Used in vocabulary (198 in total)
period (e.g. class)
Examples (200 in total)
There's no time.
It's time to leave.
It's time for a bath.
I don't know if I have the time.
I don't have time right now.
He didn't come on time.
We still have time.
I don't have enough time to eat.
Do you have time to talk?
Yes, it's time to go home.
I need some alone time.
Can you tell me the time?
I need time.
Sorry. I don't have time.
Time cannot be stopped.
There's no time to explain.
I do not have much time.
I have time.
If I have time, I'll come.
I slept only two hours.
Your time is your own.
There was no time left for explanation.
It's time to get back to reality.
Do you have much time to spare?
Please give me a little more time.
I really don't have the time.
Make good use of your time.
It's time to take your medication.
It's time to go home now.
Good morning. It's time to get up.
It is time to shut the gate.
Time passed very quickly.
It's about time for dinner.
Give me some time to think.
Time is running out.
Let's make use of our time wisely.
What are the units of time?
Time is the father of truth.
I've got no time for that now.
Oh, it's already this late. I have to go.
Please come over if you have time.
Come and see me if you have time.
Can anyone tell me the time?
She needs time to relax.
I'd like to, but I don't have time.
I don't have much time now.
It might take a little while.
It's time to go to school.
When are you free?
It's time for us to go home.
It is time that you got up.
They hardly have any time left.
There is no time to be lost.
It is about time you went to school.
Do you have a lot of time?
I'm sorry. I don't have a lot of time.
He has been studying for two hours.
I work eight hours every day.
There isn't time to explain in detail.
We woke up around the same time.
Once lost, time cannot be recalled.
You can take advantage of your free time.
He arrived in time.
If you get married, you'll likely have less free time.
I don't have time this afternoon.
You still have enough time.
Can you give me a little bit more time?
How did you spend your free time?
If you have time, let's go shopping.
It feels like time is passing quickly.
How do you find the time to exercise?
It will soon be breakfast time.
I have no time to go to America.
Which is more valuable, time or money?
About two hours have passed.
I woke up just in time to go to work.
It's time we went home.
Now it's time to say good night.
I have little time to read.
I think it's time for me to say goodbye.
It is time to feed the sheep.
The court session lasted for three hours.
Why are you out at this hour?
I need more time to think about it.
It's already time to go home.
I want to, but I don't have the time.
Be quick! We haven't much time.
I don't have time to read this book.
He has been sitting there for two hours.
This task took three hours.
I can't even find time to read.
I've been spending a lot of time at home recently.
I don't know if I'll have time tomorrow.
It is not money but time that I want.
Can you find the time to play with our daughter?
We don't have time to eat now.
Nothing is more important than time.
They have lived here for a long time.
Give me some time to think it over.
I don't have time to help you today.
When you have time, read this.
I can do it in half the time.
Can you tell me the time, please?
Cats need a lot of "me time."
It is time my son came home from school.
I don't know if I'll have time to do it.
The old man asked me the time.
Judy spends a lot of time looking in the mirror.
I know the exact time when that happened.
We had a wonderful time together.
Have a great time.
You should make good use of your time.
I think it's time for me to leave for school.
I had a good time at the party.
I slept just two hours.
I had an awful time at the conference.
Do you have time to sit down and have some coffee?
At this time, no one was in the park.
He is as punctual as a clock.
They said there wasn't enough time for a full investigation.
I've been walking for over four hours.
He was proud of his punctuality.
I don't have the time or the money to take a trip.
She devoted her time to the study of music.
It's high time the children went to bed.
I think it's a waste of time to watch TV.
I've been waiting for the bus for three hours.
I don't have enough time to eat lunch today.
I write poems in my free time.
The roads are very crowded at this time of the day.
I wish we had time.
Do you know the time of arrival of his plane?
How long does it take from here to the station?
I need a little time to talk to you now.
I wish I had more time to talk with her.
He should have been back by this time.
I don't have the time to do everything I want to do.
He didn't give me time to think.
More time is needed for the preparations.
Seeing that we have little time, we have to hurry.
It took me five hours to finish the work.
What do you spend most of your time doing?
I have no time to write to her.
I'm sorry for calling so late. I just wanted to hear your voice.
Please just answer the question. We haven't got time.
What I want now is not money, but time.
I love the time I have with him.
This day was just a waste of time and money.
I knew you'd get here in time.
I'll give you a day to think about it.
If it's now I too have some time.
I had a really great time tonight.
All he wanted was time to finish his painting.
If you had left home a little earlier you would have been in time.
It's about time you stopped watching television.
She gave all her time to the study.
I spend a lot of time listening to music.
I wish I had more time to talk with you.
The boy passed the time by flinging stones into the lake.
I wish I had more time to talk to you.
If I had time, I'd go to the movies.
I have no time to explain this in detail.
I study about two hours every day.
I make it a rule to study English for 3 hours every day.
I think three years is a long time.
How long did it take you to write the letter?
The train will get you there in half the time.
It is often said that nothing is more precious than time.
We still have enough time to discuss it.
There is enough time to finish this homework.
She came an hour beyond the appointed time.
I've been here for the past 2 hours.
Not that I dislike that job, but that I have no time to do it.
I find it odd that there isn't anyone on the street at this hour.
Be sure to come here by the appointed time.
School is where we spend most of our time every day.
It took a lot of time and money to build the machine.
He cannot have gone so far in such a short time.
There's no need to hurry. We have lots of time.
I had plenty of time to talk to many friends.
You should make the best of your limited time.
Why am I so bad at allocating my time?
Mother mentioned that it was about time to prepare supper.
If I had more time, I would learn how to dance.
Don't expose your skin to the sun for too long.
Do you have enough time to buy enough things for souvenirs?
I think we should use our time a bit more constructively.
If he had enough time, he might have done good work.
It took me five hours to drive from here to Tokyo.
I'd like to spend less time at work and more time at home.
She lay awake for a long time, thinking of her future.
If he came tomorrow, I would have more time to talk.
Ten years is a long time to wait.
I have a few minutes to spare.
Six months is a long time to wait.
What'll you be doing at this time tomorrow?
Please limit your presentation to 30 minutes.
A month is too little time.
Time is like a river; it does not return to its source.
Hurry up! There's only 30 minutes left before the train leaves.