Adjective (な)
Adjective (の)
1. being able to do as one pleases; doing at will
2. pothook
Pitch accent
Composed of
self-; from ...; this ... (in contrast to some other ...); aforementioned
the country; countryside; outskirts; suburbs; presence; being in attendance
Used in vocabulary (19 in total)
free; unrestricted; (with) complete mastery; completely in control
phantasmagoric; protean; shape-shifting; kaleidoscopic; capable of ever-changing appearance
complete freedom; great freedom; great unhinderedness
elastic; flexible; telescoping; expandable; retractable; extensible
appearing and disappearing at will; elusive; phantom-like
free and uncontrolled; behaving with abandon; freewheeling; totally uninhibited
the power of life or death
varying the tempo or speed (of something) at will
freely adaptable, very flexible, nimble in adaptation
freely; right and left; active without any restraint; with unrestricted energy in all directions
Avalokiteshvara (Bodhisattva); Avalokitesvara; Kannon; Kwannon; Guanyin; Buddhist deity of compassion
broad-minded and free in disposition; large-hearted and not scrupulous about trifles
Mahesvara (Shiva in the Buddhist pantheon)
freely; in complete control of; with complete freedom; at will; as one pleases
freely; at will; with ease
freehand drawing
pothook (for hanging a pot, etc. over a fire)
universal joint
monkey wrench; adjustable spanner