1. room
2. wife (of someone of high rank)
3. scabbard
4. Chinese "Encampment" constellation (one of the 28 mansions)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (187 in total)
classroom; lecture room; department (in a university); class; lessons; school (for a particular discipline)
school infirmary
private room; single (room); room for one; (toilet) stall
concubine (of a noble)
living room
cellar; basement
smoking room; smoking compartment
indoor; inside the room
one's own room
office (e.g. the Oval Office)
sickroom; hospital room; ward
library (usu. single-room); small library
laboratory; seminar room; professor's office
conference room; council room
waiting room; anteroom; antechamber; green room
drawing room; parlour; parlor; reception office
locker room; changing room; dressing room
guest room (at a hotel); guest cabin (on a boat); passenger cabin (on a plane); drawing room
suffix for room numbers; suffix for apartment numbers
private room
section chief; laboratory manager; office head; room monitor
royal family
doctor's office; medical office; sickbay
preparation room
Japanese-style room
waiting room
lounge; common room
same room; sharing a room; occupying the same room
reference room
break room; lounge (e.g. in an onsen); resting room
office (room)
examining room
operating room; operating theatre
dressing room; fitting room
control room
president's office; director's office
principal's office
tearoom; tea house; tea-ceremony room; tea arbour; tea arbor
audiovisual room
legal wife (of a noble) (as opposed to a concubine); room for receiving guests; heir; successor
shower stall; shower cubicle; shower room
detached office; annex
interrogation room; interview room; sweatbox
pilothouse; wheelhouse; steering house
reading room
lecture hall; lecture room
office kitchenette; room with facilities for boiling water
control room; control booth
home economics room
exhibition room (e.g. museum); showroom (for goods)
engine room
cargo hold (of an aircraft, ship, etc.); cargo bay
(private) study room
deluxe suite
nap room (in an office, fire station, etc.)
night duty room
cockpit; control cabin; flight compartment; pilot compartment; control room
beauty parlor
intensive care unit; ICU
operating room; operating theatre
cook-house; galley; kitchen
chamber (of a gun)
toilet; lavatory; powder room
stone hut; rock chamber
Western-style room
recreation room
captain's cabin
(indoor) observation deck; observation room; observatory
counseling room; counselling room; consulting room; advisory centre
visiting room; visitation room
outside (the room, building); outdoors
vacant or unoccupied room
vacant or unoccupied room
no vacancy; full occupancy
compartment (of a train); interior (of a car)
staffroom; teachers' lounge; faculty lounge
hermit's cell; retreat
machine room; machinery room; engine room; machine house
(a) confessional
research office; research division; inquiry section
duty room; staff room; waiting room
stairwell; stair hall; staircase
coffee room (hotel, office building, etc.); tea room
secretarial office
freezing compartment; freezer
front room; front parlor; lobby; anterior ventricle
being in one's room (office, etc.)
changing room; dressing room; locker room
all rooms
conductor's compartment
art studio
maternity room; delivery room
assembly room; assembly hall; meeting room; community room
barbershop; barber shop
drivers cab; operator's cab
Japanese (school) lunchroom; Japanese (school) cafeteria
telephone booth (indoor)
storeroom; stockroom
every room
ball room; dance room
soundproof room
planning office
one's wife
trunk (of a car); boot; luggage space; cargo compartment
British royal family
cold room; refrigerated room; cold compartment (e.g. of a refrigerator)
a reading room
isolation room; quarantine room; isolation ward
crisper (e.g. in refrigerator); vegetable drawer; produce compartment
specimen room; herbarium
chemistry laboratory; chemical laboratory
your wife
cerebral ventricle
holding cell; drunk tank; isolation room; quarantine room
maternity room; delivery room
morgue; mortuary
nursery school; day nursery; nursery room
projection room; projection booth
stationmaster's office
locker room
office (usu. for construction, maintenance, services, etc.)
breeding facility (e.g. lab. animals); breeding room
footwear room
drying room
gas chamber
storage room; closet
airtight chamber
room; chamber; monk in charge of business in the monks' quarters; bedroom (of a married couple); locule (in a plant ovary); atria and ventricles
room for zazen meditation; room for Buddhist practices; Zen monk's quarters; head priest (of a Zen temple)
spare room
executive suite
drawing and manual arts room; arts and craft room
luggage compartment; cargo bay (aircraft); baggage compartment
studio; workshop
air chamber
laboratory; testing room
room for rent (lease); room to let; office space for rent (lease)
situation room; crisis management office
ice house; ice compartment; ice-making room
palace; imperial family
labor room; labour room
room for breast-feeding; nursing room
press room; press gallery
indoor and outdoor
solitary cell; solitary confinement cell; isolation cell
rest or recreation room
nursery; nursing room; baby-care room
emergency room; ER; casualty department
hotel room with both Western and Japanese elements (usu. with Western-style beds and a separate tatami-floored living area)
room rent; room rate (hotel, etc.)
recording room; recording studio
clean room (e.g. in semiconductor manufacturing); cleanroom
non-smoking room
child's room; nursery
barbershop; barber shop
hyperbaric oxygen chamber
proofroom; proof-reading room; reading room
gas chamber
accounting room; accounting office; cashier's office
home room (in a school)
cell (e.g. monk's)
Sculptor (constellation)
boiler room
triaxial cell
listening room (e.g. in a record store); listening booth
language laboratory
nuclear laboratory
suppression pool (nuclear reactor); pressure suppression chamber
auxiliary machinery room
central control room; main control room
Examples (5 in total)
Report to the emergency room.
The laundry room is in the basement.
The singer was standing by in the studio.