Verb (する)
1. experiment
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (45 in total)
laboratory testing bench; laboratory table; subject of an experiment; (human) guinea pig
human experiment; human experimentation; experiment on a living person
Examples (55 in total)
The experiment was a success.
The experiment ended in failure.
He continued the experiment.
Tom likes experimenting.
I will leave the experiment to you.
The experiment proved to be successful.
We attempted the experiment.
We were disappointed with the results of the experiment.
Our experiment went wrong last week.
The whole experiment was recorded on film.
For that experiment they need a complete vacuum.
He was trying to make an experiment in physics.
The results of the experiment were not as we had hoped.
All of us were excited with the result of the experiment.
On the whole I am satisfied with the experiment.
We used the following procedures in this experiment.
The experiment confirmed his theory.
He is carrying out experiments in his laboratory.
But "experiment" is not the appropriate word.
The experiment resulted in a miserable failure.
They carried out a new experiment in chemistry.
Observation is a passive science, experimentation an active science.
We held our breath and waited for the result of the experiment.
They conducted a series of experiments under zero gravity.
At the ethics committee, a temporary halt to cloning experiments was decided.
Today we will carry out an experiment about Ohm's Law.
We haven't tried the drug out on humans yet.
Everybody expected that the experiment would result in failure.
He is sure of succeeding in the experiment.
The results of the experiment were highly satisfactory.
I got hurt during an experiment, and the injury was pretty serious.
A group of scientists stood by, ready to record the experiment.
They conducted the following experiment to collect the data.
He persisted in the experiment until he was successful.
First, let us talk about the experiments conducted in laboratories.
The hypothesis is based on the thorough experiments.
All his energies were devoted to the experiment.
It is the attitude of the subjects that controls the outcome of the experiment.
He was the first to carry out the experiment.
She applied what she had learned in class to the experiment.
Anyone can produce salt from seawater with a simple experiment.
Many mistakes could have been avoided through simple experiments.
The experiment failed because of some minor faults.
His experiment had many faults in its details.
First, I'd like to examine the catalyst used in this experiment.
He began experimenting in making better roads.
As far as I could make out, he was experimenting with new methods.
Every experiment required a protected environment and an entirely objective frame of mind.
In my understanding, those two experiments do not have common factors.
Our experiment has revealed that his report was unreliable.
That Jordan replaced the main engine in this experiment is self-evident.
Our experiment has revealed that his report was inaccurate.
This invention was the result of years of patient experiment.
The experiment was made on a hundred unmarried males.
Three months is too short a time to finish the experiment.