Verb (する)
1. execution (e.g. of a plan); carrying out; practice; action; implementation; fulfillment; realization
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (48 in total)
action committee; executive committee
to put into effect; to put into practice
Examples (37 in total)
How are you going to carry it out?
Did you carry out your plan?
He makes a habit of waking up early.
How can we put it into practice?
Deeds are better than words.
He carried out what he had promised.
Soldiers must carry out their orders.
He actually did it.
It is next to impossible to carry it out.
It's time to carry out the plan.
To preach is easier than to practice.
We were disappointed because we could not carry out our plan.
It is hard to carry out this plan.
He performed his duties faithfully.
The plan will be carried out in the near future.
Please run this script.
He promised political reforms would be put into practice.
You should carry out your own plan.
Whoever may oppose my plan, I will carry it out nonetheless.
Practice must go hand in hand with theory.
He planned to murder his boss, but did not carry it out.
The plan must be carried out by all means.
It is often easier to make plans than to carry them out.
It is easy to form a plan, but it is difficult to carry it out.
It's a good idea, to be sure, but it's hard to put it into practice.
The question is how to carry it out.
I trust his executive ability.
He is opposed to carrying out the new plan.
This plan will be very expensive to carry out.
The servants tried to carry out their master's order.
What must be done if the plan proves unworkable?
From a practical point of view, his plan is not easy to carry out.
She thought the plan was fine but impractical.
The committee rejected the proposal on the ground that it was impractical.
We insist that this project be carried out immediately.
You should do your best to carry out your promises.
You should carry out the plan on schedule.