1. little less than; slightly fewer than; just under
2. weakness; the weak
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (50 in total)
feeble; faint; weak
poor; meagre; meager; feeble; scanty; shabby
weak person; the weak; vulnerable person; disadvantaged person
weak; frail; fragile
weak acid
weak point; weakness; shortcoming; defect; flaw; sore spot
weak (constitution); sickly; feeble; in poor health
puniness; youth
soft sound; dampening (of sound)
strength and weakness; (degree of) strength; stress (of a sound); loudness
survival of the fittest; the law of the jungle; (lit.) the weak are meat the strong do eat
feebleness; weakness; imbecility
young person; inexperienced person; novice
amblyopia; weak sight
weak (organization, organisation)
weak poison
person with limited access to information (via the Internet, television, etc.); person who is inept at using the Internet to access information; Internet illiterate
delicate; frail
cowardly soldier
dyspepsia; indigestion; weak digestion
(enervating) attraction to books or learning
weak enemy
slight acidity
reduction; weakening; attenuation; diminution; diminishment; lessening
young and weak
mild earthquake
slight color-blindness; slight colour-blindness
infirmities of old age; young and old; all ages
inferiority; weakness
young monk; boy monk
railway carriage with the air conditioning set to a higher temperature
attack your enemy's strength with your weakness
weak coupling
unaccented beat
young brother
light electrical appliance
weak electrical current line (e.g. intercom)
stupid and weak
one strong, many weak
railway carriage with the air conditioning set to a higher temperature
young orphan; being alone and weak with no place to go to