Adjective (の)
1. surroundings; environs
2. circumference
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (5 in total)
ambient temperature
peritonsillar abscess; quinsy
Examples (16 in total)
There was nobody about.
The earth goes around the sun.
The pond was encircled with trees.
The planets revolve around the sun.
The road curled around the side of the hill.
Let's keep beautiful nature around us.
The town has beautiful surroundings.
The surrounding hills protected the town.
Why don't you adapt your way of life to circumstances?
He radiates happiness around wherever he goes.
Tom looked around, but didn't see anyone.
The lake is ten miles about.
There were no other elephants in the area.
For three hundred years they have farmed the surrounding land.
The earth makes one revolution around the sun in about 365 days.
Formerly people did not know that the earth is round and that it moves around the sun.