1. great numbers (of people); numerical superiority; masses
Familiar language
2. people; folk; clique; bunch
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (53 in total)
multitude; great numbers
the public; general public
people; populace; masses
the wisdom of the many; well-known
House of Representatives (lower house of the National Diet of Japan)
group (of people); crowd; horde; throng; mob; multitude
general public; the masses
spectators; onlookers; members of the audience
all eyes; public attention
men; manservant; male attendants to an actor
young man; youth; lad; servant boy; young shopboy
disorderly crowd; mob; rabble
young man (in the Edo period, esp. one with forelocks who has not yet had his coming-of-age ceremony); young male prostitute; young kabuki actor (who may also act as a homosexual prostitute); younger partner in a homosexual relationship
all living things; mankind; the people; the world
House of Representatives (lower house of the National Diet of Japan)
the people; the public
women; maidservant
gents; gentlemen
audience; congregation
the vulgar masses
crowd (of people); large group of people
male homosexuality; pederasty
courtier; noble; people serving the Imperial Court
mass meeting
people; crowd; masses; the public
the eight legions (devas, nagas, yaksas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kimnaras, mahoragas)
the many and the few
samurai for the shogunate
large number of priests
common talk; talk of the town; words of many people
assembly of monks and laity (at a rite, sermon, etc.); (monks and laity of) the Jishū sect
House of Representatives and House of Councillors; both houses of the Diet
public opinion
member of the lower house; member of the House of Representatives
public opinion
humble samurai who served as a body guard on foot; bodyguards in service of the shogun who would walk ahead of him on an outing (Edo period)
deva; celestial being
various theories
four orders of Buddhist followers (monks, nuns, male lay devotees and female lay devotees); four monastic communities (ordained monks, ordained nuns, male novices and female novices); the four assemblies
the masses; ordinary people
the whole assembly; the whole congregation
guard (of a daimyo, emperor, etc.)
dandy; gallant; chivalrous person
public opinion
the multitudes; the people
the blind masses; the ignorant masses; the unenlightened masses; many blind people
speaker of the Lower House
many priests; (Heian era) monk-soldiers
elder chief of a village or town during Edo Period
important local businessmen (in the Muromachi period); local leaders
children; child; young male prostitute; prostitute
numerous sufferings; suffering of many people