1. beast; brute; animal
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (54 in total)
legendary beast; magical beast
(fictional) fusion of human and animal; therianthrope; furry; human beast
fierce animal; beast of prey; big game
wild beast; wild animal; brute
carnivore; carnivorous animal
veterinarian; veterinary surgeon; vet
harmful animal
rare (or peculiar) animal
unicorn; narwhal; qilin (Chinese unicorn)
half-human and half-beast
brutality; animal nature
young animal (esp. mammal)
(in Chinese mythology) beast which descends from the sky with a thunderbolt
animal or carnal desires; lust
quadruped; four-footed animal
humans and animals; humans and beasts; beast in human form
all kinds of animals
veterinarian; veterinary surgeon; vet
stone image of an animal; stone figures of animals
beasts; mammals
bestiality; sodomy
bestial; beastly; beast-like; brutal
sex maniac; sex fiend
unusual beast; strange beast
auspicious beast (in Chinese mythology, e.g. the qilin)
veterinary medicine
small animal (mammal)
animals that can legally be hunted; game animals
animal beneficial to humans
four divine beasts; guardian deities of the four cardinal points
animal or carnal desires; lust
four beasts (tiger, leopard, black bear, and brown bear); four gods said to rule over the four directions
pack animal
Afrotheria (superorder of mammals of African origin)
brutal or bestial act
Therapsida (order of advanced synapsids)
Eutheria (mammalian infraclass)
Eutheria (mammalian infraclass)
Theriodontia; theriodonts
Theria (mammalian subclass)
Examples (3 in total)
I howled like a beast.
The primitive man was frightened at the sight of a savage beast.
As the lion is king of beasts, so is the eagle king of birds.