1. the vertical; height
2. front-to-back; length
3. north-to-south
Adjective (の)
4. vertical (relationship); hierarchy
5. (weaving) warp
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (40 in total)
pogo; dance in which one jumps up and down to the beat of the music
length and width; length and breadth; lengthwise and crosswise; longitude and latitude; vertical and horizontal
ringlets; ringlet curls; sausage curls
forward pass (soccer); vertical pass
details; particulars; longitude and latitude; warp and weft; warp and woof
pit; shaft
oblong; vertical writing style (e.g. on envelopes); portrait orientation
shaft (e.g. in a mine); pit
vertical stripes; striped fabric
vertical line
longitudinal direction; vertical direction; portrait orientation
longitudinal winding; curling (e.g. hair)
vertical shaking (of an earthquake); pitching (of a boat, aircraft, etc.)
vertically structured society
vertical axis; vertical line; vertical shaft; spindle; connection between past and present
(weaving) warp
dividing vertically; vertical split; top-to-bottom sectioning; division into sections; splitting lengthwise
vertical and horizontal; warp and weft (weaving); warp and woof
vertical and horizontal; warp and weft (weaving); warp and woof
vertical line; vertical bar; upright; note stem (music)
vertical; portrait style; longitudinal
reading vertically down horizontal text (e.g. as a simple code)
portrait orientation; vertical orientation
using horizontal characters in vertical writing
granny knot
longitudinal wave
long grain (paper)
long grain (paper)
long grain (paper)
vertical turning lathe; VTL
warp rib weave (cloth)
vertical scroll
double-height size (of text)