Verb (する)
1. accommodation; lodging
Pitch accent
Composed of
lodging; relay station; post town; constellation; mansion (in Chinese astronomy)
counter for nights of a stay; overnight stay; lodging
Used in vocabulary (15 in total)
accommodation facility (e.g. hotel); lodging facility; boarding house
guest spending the night (i.e. at a hotel)
hotel charge; lodging expense
lodging host; lodging place
hotel voucher; accommodation voucher
guest (esp. hotel); lodger
accommodation charge; lodging charges; lodging fees
training camp; off-campus residential course
public lodging house; simple lodging (including pensions, private lodging and capsule hotels)
lodger; boarder; paying guest
number of nights staying in accommodation
accommodation tax; bed tax; transient occupancy tax
(business of) renting out one's home (on Airbnb, etc.)
Examples (8 in total)
I'd like to stay here overnight.
Sue checked in at the Royal Hotel.
Tom and Mary stayed at a fancy hotel.