1. semi-; quasi-; associate
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (72 in total)
to follow; to conform; to apply to
standard; basis; criterion; norm; reference; datum
standard; level; norm
surveyor's leveling pole (levelling)
level; standard; water level
legitimation (of a child born outside a marriage)
commodore; brigadier general
semi-express train; local express train; sub-express train
associate member
associate professor
being the runner-up; finishing second
in proportion (to)
postulate (in math, logic, etc.)
assistant nurse; practical nurse
warrant officer
semifinal game of a tournament
near-light speed; sub-light speed; speed approaching light
industry-wide standard
associate member; junior employee
regulations; standard
to apply (the law) with necessary modifications; to apply mutatis mutandis; to apply correspondingly
second level (company, etc.)
semi-recent release (usu. video)
associate member (esp. of a crime syndicate)
territory; demicanton
near-threatened (species)
practical nurse
jun-kokoku appeal; quasi-appeal; quasi-complaint
chocolate mixed with other flavor ingredients
target; object; aim; goal
quarterfinal game of a tournament
a quasi-incompetent (individual)
particle that attaches to a phrase and acts on the whole phrase
quasicrystal; paracrystal
associate (of arts); associate's degree (in arts)
following (a standard, precedent, etc.)
semi-express train
assistant teacher; junior teacher
quasar; QSO
temporary coaching status for a retired wrestler
near millimeter wave; submillimeter wave
secondary substantive (inflectable word or phrase that acts as an uninflectable within a sentence)
quasi-negation (e.g. use of words like 'hardly', 'seldom', 'barely'); weak negation
message area call
quasi-internal character
quasar; quasi-stellar object; QSO
incapacitated rape; sexual assault against somebody who is intoxicated, asleep or otherwise unable to consent or resist
(crime of) incapacitated rape; crime of sexual assault against somebody who is intoxicated, asleep or otherwise unable to consent or resist
canonical quantization
rotational level; rotational state
quasi-nisei (Japanese-born person who moved abroad when young)
warrant officer (JASDF)
light-industrial district; semi-industrial area
semi-residential zone; quasi-residential area