1. document; official papers
Pitch accent
Composed of
book; document; calligraphy (esp. Chinese); penmanship; handwriting; letter
kind; sort; type; similar example; parallel; the like
Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
filing (documents, etc.)
important documents; important papers
Examples (27 in total)
Did you get the papers from Tom?
He read the document aloud.
They burned all the documents.
The document was nowhere to be found.
The spy burned the papers.
He finished sorting the papers.
Can you please sign this document?
Will you type this paper for me?
Please don't take the documents out of this room.
Where should these documents be submitted?
Would you please have a look at this document?
He dumped the papers back into the drawer.
Please fill out this form.
My briefcase is full of papers.
Examine the pile of documents in advance.
I had intended to hand the document to him, but I forgot to.
My aunt wears glasses when she reads the papers.
He repeatedly checked the mountain of related documents.
If he comes, give him this paper.
I spent several days sorting through her papers.
With respect to these documents, I think the best thing is to destroy them.
It will take me more than three hours to look over the document.
The document clearly spells out the correct procedure for dealing with complaints.
Keep the paper in the inside pocket.
Please make five copies of this document.
The date on the document was October 20, 2013.
The new document system is worth $4,000.