Verb (5-dan, つ, intransitive)
1. to win; to gain victory
Pitch accent
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Used in vocabulary (7 in total)
to be unequal to the burden (job); to be too heavy a load for
to win after tough bidding
victory is mine; with this, I'll win
Examples (117 in total)
We have to win.
Do you think we'll win?
Let me win.
I knew I'd win.
It looks like he's winning.
You've won.
Which side won?
I realized I couldn't win.
Mary won.
We can't win.
It feels good to win.
Boston is going to win.
Who do you think won?
He is sure to win.
I wanted her to win.
We may not win tomorrow.
I ended up winning.
The chances are that he will win.
Guess who won.
How did we win?
I feel we shall win.
The truth will always win.
Which team is likely to win?
I wonder which of you will win.
It's not easy to win.
The home team won.
You can't always win.
This time Bob is likely to win.
I may win if I'm lucky.
Real ability wins in the end.
What would you do if you won the lottery?
We wanted to win at all costs.
Do your best whether you win or lose.
We're here to win.
No doubt she will win in the end.
I was amazed to learn I had won.
I thought we were going to win.
I don't know whether I will win or lose.
I wish we had won the game.
I'll be happy whether I win or lose.
They won by force of numbers.
The chances are that she will win the game.
You still have a chance to win.
You can't win if you don't try.
I've never won anything.
Justice will prevail in the end.
Luckily, he won the game.
We defeated them in baseball.
I could not resist the lure of great profits.
He endeavored to win the contest.
These products are superior to theirs.
England is going to win the race.
To my great surprise, we won!
We were lucky to win the battle.
The sitting government is likely to win in the coming election.
Slow and steady wins the race.
He is above all others in originality.
Did you say that I could never win?
I'm here to win.
Everyone hoped that she would win.
He said he would win and he did, too.
The important thing is not to win but to take part.
They do anything in order to win.
It was natural that he should win the contest.
We shall overcome all our difficulties.
I made a bet that she would win the game.
The guy was too selfish to resist temptation.
Evil sometimes wins.
John wins every time we play the game.
Is it true that he won the race?
Whether we win or lose, we must play fairly.
Whether you win or lose, you should do your best in the match.
He wins his arguments by logical reasoning.
The English team beat the Brazilian team in the international soccer tournament.
"I never thought Tom would win." "Me neither."
There's no way we can win with all these key players gone.
I'll bet 10,000 yen on his winning.
Don't you think my horse ought to win the Derby?
We must prevail against our rivals by all means.
He is sure to win the swimming championship.
It is not important whether we win the game or not.
The battle was won at the price of many lives.
I am speculating that he may win the game.
It doesn't matter which team wins the game.
The chances are very good that our team will win.
If it had not been for his error, we would have won.
We have to play fair, whether we win or lose.
You must appeal to public opinion to win the election.
The team won the semifinals and advanced to the finals.
Jane makes the utmost effort to win.
He was in such a good mood when his team won the championship.
Ted was certain of winning the game.
Lawyers make mega bucks when they win cases.
The baseball team is certain to win the next game.
The important thing about the Olympic Games is not to win, but to take part in them.
Whatever game I play with you, you never win.
Great was our delight when we won the game.
He won the game thanks to his strong will.
If you intend to win, you should do your best.
In the real world, good doesn't always triumph over evil.
When it comes to playing tennis, he always beats me.
The most important thing in the Olympics is not to win but to participate.
He doesn't manifest much desire to win the game.
In the next election, the Democratic Party is expected to get the better of the Republican Party.
I think I've figured out which horse is most likely to win the race.
She is better at speaking English than any of her classmates.
He brought me the news that our team had won.
It will be very important whether we win the battle or not.
If he were a good pitcher, we would win this game.
Personally, I don't think it makes any difference who wins the election.
The Swallows are ahead 4 to 1!
We won six to two.
We won the match by 10 to 4.
The Chicago Cubs have not won the World Series since 1908.
Our team beat the Lions 3 to 0.
We have to win seven times in a row to win this tournament.
I hope to go to Japan and beat the Japanese in mahjong.