Adjective (の)
1. novel; (short) story
Pitch accent
Composed of
smallness; small item; short month (i.e. having fewer than 31 days); elementary school; smaller (of two things, places, etc. with the same name); inferior; younger (of two people with the same name)
theory; doctrine; opinion; view; rumour; rumor
Used in vocabulary (54 in total)
novelizing; novelising
novelist; fiction writer
Examples (114 in total)
This novel is boring.
This novel is difficult to understand.
It is worthwhile to read this novel.
This is a novel written by Hemingway.
I was reading a novel then.
"What kind of book are you reading?" "A novel."
I have read all his novels.
It is difficult to understand this novel.
That novel was widely read.
He reads a novel every day.
The novel is very exciting.
I haven't read any of his novels.
I think his novel is boring.
I don't understand this novel's plot.
His novel sold well.
The heroine of the novel committed suicide.
He is working on a new novel.
This novel has been translated into French.
The new novel was finally published.
I sat up all last night reading a novel.
I read the novel in three days.
It wasn't a very interesting novel.
His novels are popular among young people.
That's an unfinished novel.
This novel consists of three parts.
I really like Jiro Akagawa's novels.
This novel is much longer than that.
I have read the novel before.
Many novels have been written by him.
My hobby is reading novels.
I'll soon finish reading this novel.
I don't like novels without heroes.
I was deeply moved by that novel.
I like reading American novels.
I remember reading this novel.
He sat down to read a novel.
I prefer poetry to novels.
That novel isn't for children.
What is the first novel that was written in Japanese?
He enjoys reading novels on holiday.
You can't read this novel without crying.
He expressed it in the form of fiction.
The success of her novel made her rich.
Who do you think the author of this novel is?
What do you think of his new novel?
My brother would often stay up all night reading novels.
When will your new novel be published?
I love reading fantasy novels.
His novels are, for the most part, very boring.
We translated the novel from Japanese to English.
The novel is worthy of praise.
His new novel will come out next month.
The novel added to his reputation.
I haven't read both of his novels.
I recommend that you read that novel.
A light novel? Read a real book!
I spent the whole day reading a novel.
This novel of his is inferior to the previous one.
Tom Jackson's novel sold well.
I found his latest novel interesting.
We read his whole novel.
It is worthwhile reading the novel.
This movie is based on a novel.
As far as I know, the novel is not translated into Japanese.
The novel is centered on the Civil War.
The play was adapted from a novel.
They translated the novel from Russian into Armenian.
Among his novels, I like this best.
I haven't read his novel, and my brother hasn't either.
I haven't read all of his novels.
His new novel is worth reading.
Because novels, just like paintings, need you to practice.
Not only did he teach school, but he wrote novels.
I read a most interesting novel yesterday.
This novel is so easy that even a child can read it.
The girls shed tears after reading the novel.
I will spend next Sunday reading novels.
Frankly speaking, this novel isn't very interesting.
For my part I prefer to stay at home and read a novel.
This novel is more interesting than the one I read last week.
This scientific article reads like a novel.
Fiction is as old as fairy tales and myths.
This novel was written by an American writer.
"Tom and Mary" is known as the world's most boring novel.
Has your new novel already been translated into French?
The work will give birth to a new school of novel.
I will have read the novels through by that time.
I used to read novels at random in those days.
He told me that Poe's novels were interesting.
She writes essays in addition to novels and poetry.
Frankly speaking, his new novel is not very interesting.
The reviewer is sharply critical of the novel.
The stories written by Amy Church are all interesting.
I haven't read this new novel, and my sister hasn't either.
This is the longest novel that I have ever read.
I haven't read the final page of the novel yet.
After he finished supper, he began to read the novel.
I'm halfway through this crime novel.
Besides teaching English, he writes novels.
Her teacher advised her to read more and more novels.
By next Sunday, I'll have read through the novel.
This novel was written by a famous American writer.
She brought me many novels in German.
This novel describes the life of the Japanese as it was a hundred years ago.
Every time I read this novel, I find it very interesting.
That was the most interesting novel that I had ever read.
As soon as he got the novel, he began reading it.
It is said that his new novel is based on his own experiences.
She ascertained that the novel was based on facts.
I will have finished reading this novel by the time you come tomorrow.
Few students are interested in reading this novel.
The novel has sold almost 20,000 copies.
I stayed home all day long reading novels.
I spent the whole day reading that novel.